Clara had a pale, thin face with soft blue eyes, which at that moment were watching the clock impatiently.
The decor is a soft blue with a definite European feel.
High above, in the soft blue, a lone star still sparkles.
If you'd like you can add a soft blue background like I did.
Add soft blue colors and your site design could have a more calming and peaceful tone.
Because, the popular soft blue gray pinstripe can add the strong contrast between, elegant temperament.
Another minute, and it was suffused with a crimson flush: and a heavy wildness came over the soft blue eye.
The cloudy nights in July are dark; the sky is soft blue in the autumn; the spring days are restless with the south wind.
The cloudy nights in July are dark; the sky is soft blue in the autumn; the spring days are restless with the south wind.
The cloudy nights in August are dark; the sky is soft blue in the autumn; the spring days are restless with the north wind.
Those soft blue eyes and all those natural graces should not be wasted on the inferior society of Highbury and its connections.
那双温柔的蓝眼睛以及那种天生的文雅都不应该在海伯利的 下流社会 里浪费掉。
Pair a soft blue site that creates calming qualities with a bright orange, and you could change your site to be more exciting and joyful.
Sorted by colour so the plastic could be broken down, granulated and reused, the bottles were destined for reincarnation as soft blue polyester blankets.
At 50, he has a paunch, soft blue eyes, a brownish-blond mustache, and mildly thinning hair of the same color. He resembles a younger Wilford Brimley minus the glasses.
Dark as were his thoughts his blue eyes were as soft as the periwinkle.
There was nothing much I wanted to eat: the remains of a bunch of celery, a blue-tinged heel of bread, a lemon going soft.
She has shining blue eyes and soft silver hair.
Paint the bottom half of the wall a cocoa brown and the top half a cool blue or soft white.
Avoid soft cheeses such as feta, Brie, Camembert, blue-veined, and Mexican-style cheese.
Cyclodelic's anorak is a blue soft shell, with gold zips; Ana Nichoola's military ruffle is a demure green, with pleats on the rear.
Hundreds of birds fly in a sunny blue sky. The only sounds are bird calls and the soft noise made by tall grasses as the water slowly moves them.
They use soft and dark blue tones to achieve this, creating a calming and peaceful atmosphere on their site.
Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smiling, give it a soft and easy grace.
Every few blocks, there are these little blue and white canvas kiosks that sell soft drinks.
What he finds is a soft-spoken, blue-collar billionaire - a man who seems at odds with Mr. Sorkin's previous description of the cold and ruthless and dealmaker.
Air pockets are shown as blue, soft tissues as beige, blood vessels as red and bone as white.
The soft background of the cloud-filled blue sky contrasts well with the barbed wire foreground.
"Now we shan't have to talk," he said, smiling into her candid eyes, as they floated away on the soft waves of the Blue Danube.
"Now we shan't have to talk," he said, smiling into her candid eyes, as they floated away on the soft waves of the Blue Danube.