If you are looking for information on this type of tumour, go to the section on soft tissue sarcoma.
Objective To assess effectiveness of chemotherapy versus non-chemotherapy in the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma.
CONCLUSIONS: RMS is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of childhood. Immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy are helpful in diagnosis and classification of RMS.
Conclusions Surgery remains the radical treatment modality of choice in patients with retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcoma and complete resection may afford the best survival.
Conclusion HIFU can effectively and safely treat patients with recurrent soft tissue sarcoma and may become an alternative method to treat recurrent malignant soft tissue tumor.
This paper is to discuss the diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma and differential diagnostic significance. The degree of sarcoma hyperplasia, prognosis and treatment development has also been discussed.
There were included 14 cases of lymphosarcoma, 3 of sarcoma of soft tissue, and 1 of carcinoma of rectum.
Objective to evaluate the efficacy of Paclitaxel in treatment of soft-tissue sarcoma receiving the neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Methods 12 cases, pathologically diagnosed as clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue, were observed from the morphological, immunohistochemical, and clinical Angle.
Purpose To sum up the fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) features of pseudosarcomatous soft tissue lesions and to estabilish the criteria in differentiating these lesions from true sarcoma.
目的 :总结假肉瘤性软组织病变细针吸取细胞学 (FNAC)特点 ,寻求在针吸细胞学基础上与肉瘤鉴别的要点。
Purpose To sum up the fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) features of pseudosarcomatous soft tissue lesions and to estabilish the criteria in differentiating these lesions from true sarcoma.
目的 :总结假肉瘤性软组织病变细针吸取细胞学 (FNAC)特点 ,寻求在针吸细胞学基础上与肉瘤鉴别的要点。