Android Software Developer Kit (SDK).
Developers will also receive a Honeycomb 3.1 — based software developer kit to begin building Google TV — specific apps at some point in the coming months.
在接下来几个月中,开发者还将得到Android 3.1 Honeycomb系统(建设GoogleTV的基础软件开发工具)的具体程序。
When Apple released the original iPhone in 2007, the company offered no software developer kit for the smartphone and told developers to make web-based apps.
Unfortunately, third-party Apple tools are always just one step away from being knocked out of existence, thanks to Apple's ever-changing software developer kit license.
For iPhone, expect Apple to lay out the final roadmap for the iPhone 3.0 software developer kit, speaking more extensively on the features we previously wrote about.
对iphone而言,希望Apple指出iphone 3.0软件开发包的最终方向,更多的介绍我们之前说的那些特性。
UCML(Universal Component Modeling Logic) is a software developer kit base on workflow and component reuse facing WEB and framework, it contains a full course of develop application.
UCML(Universal Component Modeling Logic) is a software developer kit base on workflow and component reuse facing WEB and framework, it contains a full course of develop application.