But would they if it contributed to software piracy?
It is possible that you are a victim of software piracy.
However, software piracy rates in China dropped by 10 per cent between 2004 and 2008.
The industry hailed the verdict as a milestone in the fight against software piracy in China.
Actually, not just in China, software piracy has become the focus of the worldwide software industry.
Chapter One: the summary of the present situation of the software piracy and the judicial protection.
But with software piracy estimated at more than 90%, the firm's profits fail to reflect its popularity.
The report also studied trends in software piracy, with researchers monitoring those sales between July and September of this year.
With the rapid development of the worldwide software industry, software piracy becomes more and more serious harm to the industry.
Wrappers help prevent software piracy and guarantee delivery of secure email, which are two major concerns about the Internet today.
If moral suasion fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retaliation permitted by WTO rules.
Thus consciously abandoned the piracy charges of anti-virus software, to avoid the use anti-virus software piracy charges brought no safety risk.
Released Tuesday, the study found that the worldwide PC software piracy rate rose for the second consecutive year, to 41% in 2008 from 38% in the previous year.
As the impetuous development of computer software industry and Internet, the software piracy and cracking which is aiming at software are running rampantly.
The investigations into goods pirated from Microsoft and other US companies were hailed by the American software giant as a "milestone in the fight against software piracy".
The Nintendo DS has been affected by software piracy thanks to products like the R4 card, a device that lets users download illegal copies of DS games and play them on the portable.
给任天堂DS带来盗版困扰的是一种叫r 4卡的设备,拥有该设备,用户就能够从网上下载非法的DS游戏到便携设备上。
'This is the first successful criminal case to crack down on such large-scale online software piracy in China,' said the Business software Alliance, a Washington-based industry group.
总部位于华盛顿的行业组织商业软件联盟(Business Soft ware Alliance)说,这是中国第一起打击大规模的软件网络盗版行为的成功刑事案例。
Piracy has made China one of the world's most frustrating markets for software companies, even as business has boomed for companies that sell other, more tangible consumer goods.
They say the software makers tolerate a certain level of piracy because they would rather have people use their products — even if counterfeit — than pick up lower-cost alternatives.
They also note that piracy of U.S. software, movies, and music remains rampant.
Mr.Anaman has applied his software skills and training to explore a shift in piracy from groups that make CDs to those that offer downloads online.
Officially, the software giant has taken a firm line against piracy.
It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than when there's not.
Microsoft has won one of its biggest victories in its fight against piracy in China after a Shanghai court ordered a local insurer to pay the US software company Rmb2.17m ($318,000) in damages.
Microsoft has won one of its biggest victories in its fight against piracy in China after a Shanghai court ordered a local insurer to pay the US software company Rmb2.17m ($318,000) in damages.