Based on the process features of rapid laser prototyping, this software system implements the concurrent process of data processing and process controlling.
The software system is the soul of rapid prototyping system, including the data examine and processing software and the CNC code outputting software.
An MIS software development tool DPE is introduced that USES fast prototyping to facilitate MIS system development. The DPE structure functions are given in detail.
本文介绍MIS软件的开发工具DPE, DPE用快速原型法,能较好地辅助MIS系统的开发。文中具体描述了DPE的结构功能。
An MIS software development tool DPE is introduced that USES fast prototyping to facilitate MIS system development.
本文介绍MIS软件的开发工具DPE, DPE用快速原型法,能较好地辅助MIS系统的开发。
Finally, making use of the virtual prototyping technology, the model of the articulated robot LG6R is founded in software ADAMS that developed for dynamics analysis of mechanical system.
This paper presents an open software design of a DSP - based high - speed motion control system, which is applied in laser rapid - prototyping system.
A software system which matches the control system is developed, which includes the model-slice program, motion-test program, prototyping program and monitor program.
The CAD technology in micromachine rapid prototyping system is presented. The design of the slicing software for micromachine rapid prototyping system is discussed in detail.
The virtual prototyping model was built by utilizing the dynamics analytical software ADAMS of mechanical system.
The virtual prototyping model was built by utilizing the dynamics analytical software ADAMS of mechanical system.