The application of zeolite (urea zeolite) combined with dolomite was best in terms of crop yied and soil amelioration.
Soil amelioration and ample supply of nutrients in the form of fertilizers is needed to convert poor soils into productive agricultural land.
The experimental results have come up with a new manner for how to making full use of straw as a kind of fertilizer for the sake of the soil amelioration.
The results indicated that the effect of mixed masson pine and oak forest on soil amelioration was the best, that of grass was the second and the pure masson pine forest was the worst.
Feasibility of sewage sludge compost of TEDA sewage Treatment Plant using on saline soil amelioration in coastal area was analyzed. Potential problems and relevant solutions were presented.
Based on infiltration capacity curve, the paper demonstrates the amelioration of soil infiltration capability under the soil and water conservation measures from theoretical and experimental analysis.
It shows that the yield improvement is mainly due to the soil nutrient amelioration (especially nitrogen nutrient) and the interaction of mutual supplement of N and P nutrient.
Withered branches and dead leaves in the forest play an important role in amelioration of soil, interception of rainfall, reduction of splashed erosion of raindrop and control of soil loss.
The results Showed that soil organic matter increased 0.023% after the synthetical amelioration method was used to it. The total N increased 0.087%.
The studies of the soil properties suggested : (1) the bulk densities of the soils decreased and the general porosity of soil increased after amelioration;
Ardealite, a water residue from phosphate fertilizer factories, has been successfully used in the amelioration of alkaline soil as a kind of chemical amendment.
Ardealite, a water residue from phosphate fertilizer factories, has been successfully used in the amelioration of alkaline soil as a kind of chemical amendment.