The fields of application of uncalcined FGD-gypsum were cement, agricultural soil amendment, etc.
Consider adding mulch or another commercial soil amendment that aid water retention for plants and trees.
It concluded that maize straw could be used as an organic materials for blueberry soil amendment instead of peat.
In agricultural production, alkali lignin can be used as pesticide slow release agent to produce slow release fertilizer and soil amendment.
Well, being in the agriculture business calcium sulfate I know is gypsum, and we use it as a soil amendment in California quite extensively.
The utilization of mixtures of fly ash and biosolids in soil amendment is suggested to be one of the best methods of solid waste disposal and utilization.
Soil amendment is a mixture of organic and inorganic nutrition, which is an important management to control plant diseases. The studies of soil amendment have been reported in abroad and China.
The article is validate the influence on moisture characteristic, soil compactness, biological and vegetal characteristic of summer maize by new soil amendment use field experimentation of corn.
In agricultural production, alkali lignin can be used as pesticide slow release agent to produce slow release fertilizer and soil amendment. This provides a new way to utilize industrial lignin.
Combinating the siol column and potted plant experiment synthesize analysis that the soil alkalinity below 30% can be all improved by hydraulic and agricultural measure without the chemical amendment.
It was also showed in a soil organic amendment experiment that there was no response to increment of organic matter when soil contained humus more than 4%.
This study was focused on the impacts of garlic amendment on cucumber growth and soil biological properties by potted tests in a greenhouse.
Ardealite, a water residue from phosphate fertilizer factories, has been successfully used in the amelioration of alkaline soil as a kind of chemical amendment.
Ardealite, a water residue from phosphate fertilizer factories, has been successfully used in the amelioration of alkaline soil as a kind of chemical amendment.