He says our whole civilization depends on the environment - on clean air, water, soil and food.
But if we don't preserve that first 20cm of soil, where will we get our food and water from?
Or do you want to put your money here, into soil and sun, into food that feeds people around the world?
Fly ash uranium sometimes leaches into the soil and water surrounding a coal plant, affecting cropland and, in turn, food.
There are many problems with living in the desert; lack of fertile soil for farming, arid temperatures and sand getting into food when eating outside.
It changes soil, preserves food, inspires polar explorers and gives hope to those in search of resurrection now that bodies can be preserved in liquid nitrogen.
Worldwide food production requires around 30% of the total soil available, 20% of fossil fuel energy and a major part of the fresh water flow3.
Polluted water kills fish and other Marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land available for growing food.
Raw food has particular environmental advantages in that it often comes from trees (avoiding soil loss from tilling) and requires little packaging and no cooking.
生食通常来自树上(避免了耕作土壤的损失),在环境方面有特殊的优势,只需简易包装,无需烹饪 。
Plastic spheres and tubes serve as living Chambers and tunnels; you provide food, soil, moss, and water (and ants, sold separately).
God designed pigs to root around in the soil for food and play with one another.
Water and soil help provide us with necessary food and drinks.
The air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil that grows our food are part of a delicate global ecosystem that is increasingly under pressure from human activities.
Lichen fields-blooms of orange and gray over red sand and crusts of blackish gypsum-keep the soil stable and are a critical source of food for invertebrates.
Speculators, among them Muammar Qaddafi, are snatching up much of Africa's arable soil -- enough acreage to cover Norway in a single year -- driving up food prices and leaving locals homeless
许多投机者,包括穆阿迈尔.卡扎菲(Muammar Qaddaf),以每年足以覆盖一个挪威面积的速度抢占非洲的耕地,哄抬物价的同时,使当地人无家可归。
Most roots are long and round. They grow underground. They keep plants firmly in the soil and absorb water and food from the soil.
Every year, we "invent" more than 2,000 new substances, most of them contaminants, which are emitted into the environment and which are consequently present in food, air, soil and water.
The earthworm is a useful animal. On the ground it is food for other animals. Under the ground, it makes rich soil for fields and gardens.
Arsenic in soil can be taken up by plants and then transferred into human beings through food chain.
Collecting fertilization data by spot check, combining with the nutrient qualilty of the furrow soil, we analyzed the fertilization and nutrient structure on the food crop farmland of Fuping County.
And Amber Banks says they want the same people who get food donations to learn how to work the soil.
And Amber Banks says they want the same people who get food donations to learn how to work the soil.