We look at soil chemistry—for example, how much nitrogen or magnesium there is in the soil in one spot—and we compare it with the chemistry of the soil a short distance away.
Coursework includes plant biology, entomology, soil chemistry, and plant propagation.
Plants may possibly influence soil chemistry by the possession of chelating mechanisms.
Fertilizer is closed conserved, since none is lost by leaching or the vagaries of soil chemistry.
The researches covered almost all of the important areas in soil chemistry, but concentrated on soil colloid, ion adsorption and electrochemistry.
Therefore, on the soil of phosphorus adsorption and desorption of organic phosphorus research, has increasingly become in the field of soil chemistry problems a concern.
And NASA's two Viking landers in 1976, equipped with sophisticated life chemistry experiments, analyzed the soil and found it devoid of the organic building blocks of life.
The results are helpful for understanding the chemistry and nutrition of soil manganese.
Soil science majors learn about the chemistry, biology, use, management, and conservation of different kinds of soil.
The physics and chemistry instruments on spirit have determined the soil, shown above, contains a high content of salts including iron - bearing sulfates.
The characteristics and run-off risk of vegetable plot soil phosphorus in Liuxi river area was analysed by chemistry analysis and adsorption experiment.
This paper reviews on the recent research progress of soil humic substances in analytical chemistry.
Environmental effect of city underlying cohesive soil can be summed up stress field effect, groundwater chemistry effect, thermal effect, electric effect, etc.
At the same time, some projects for soil humic substances are discussed which may be solved by the methods of analytical chemistry in th…
REQUIREMENTS: Masters Degree in agronomy, plant nutrition, soil science, chemistry or similar. Related field experience a definite plus.
The process of iron reduction by the microorganism has an important significance in the soil environmental chemistry of paddy slurry.
Courses include plant biology, the chemistry of fertilizers and pesticides, identification of trees and shrubs, soil conservation, and related studies.
The AWC of main sorts in China was estimated with the studied model and elementary soil physical and chemistry data.
The soft soil subgrade treatment should be adopted different measures according to the physical and chemistry characteristics of soft soil, buried layer depth, material condition and road.
The results illustrate that chemistry reaction of the soil is weakly alkaline, the K nutrition is plentiful, whereas N and P are insufficient in most parts of the reed fields in Hubei province.
LU Rukun. Analysis Method of Agricultural Chemistry in Soil [m]. Beijing: Agriculture and Science Press, 1999. (in Chinese), 1999.
[LU Ru-kun. The Principle of Nutrition of Soil-Plant and fertilization [m]. Beijing: Chemistry industry press, 1998.].
[LU Ru-kun. The Principle of Nutrition of Soil-Plant and fertilization [m]. Beijing: Chemistry industry press, 1998.].