The impacts of climate on potential evapotranspiration and soil water content under 2080's climatic condition were simulated with the model.
It was observed that the magnetic susceptibility profile in soils related to the latitude, magnetic base of the parent materials, climatic condition, soil pedogenesis and ripening.
Because of unique climatic condition and geological condition in perennially frozen soil zone, structural design of asphalt pavement in this area has its particularity.
The natural treasure is grown with organic-rich and mineral-rich soil and peerless climatic condition and water quality.
It was found that the humus layer in black soil region was thick in north and thin in south, which was due to the climatic condition and soil-forming process.
It was found that the humus layer in black soil region was thick in north and thin in south, which was due to the climatic condition and soil-forming process.