Mulching is one of the best things people can do for their gardens. It helps keep the soil from getting dry, so it reduces the need for watering. It also limits temperature changes in the soil.
There was no significant difference of rice grain yields between the treatments of straw mulching and plastic film covering but the cost and soil pollution in the latter should be concerned.
Along with mulching fixed number years lengthening, because of remains film recovery rate is low, the amount of remains film in the soil progressively increase and cause film pollution.
Mulching wheat stalks into soil can maintain soil moisture, reduce soil temperature, increase soil microbe amount. But the treatment with stalks burned has no the effects.
Mulching and applying manures to improve the soil and the nutrient absorbability of the tree;
The results showed that the plastic film mulching could improve the soil moisture and heat condition in the rhizosphere of rape.
This overview summarizes the effects of sown grass or organism mulching on orchard soil water, nutrients, air, temperature, microbes and enzymes.
Through fixed field experiment and determinations of soil moisture, the field water utilization efficiency of wheat and rape seeds was discussed under no tillage and straw mulching.
Soil surface mulching also had considerable effects on soil environment, but the effects varied with different modules.
Therefore it is the effective way to protection and recovery soil fertility through comprehensive controlling soil erosion and mulching with film and interplanting in the sloping farmland.
The mulching effect decreased with the increase of soil depth.
Straw mulching, cultivating and hoeing, regulating the root distribution in the topsoil are effective measures to reduce the soil evaporation.
Based on the field experiment, the effects of cultivation technique of water collection by mulching upon the soil water content, yield of flue-cured tobacco field and WUE were studied.
The simulating models about the change of soil water content under plastic mulch were established by analysing the changes of soil water balance after mulching.
The thicker the straw mulching, the more significant the effect. But the effect was limited by soil aridness and growth stage of maize.
Therefore, straw mulching is an efficient measure to maintain and improve the regime of soil nitrogen nutrition.
Straw mulching improved the quantity of soil microbe and activity of soil microbe.
The wheat planting and film mulching all increased the soil phosphatase activity and N2O emission flux, applying fertilizer could enhance the phosphatase activity.
However, the difference of soil moisture increase with the soil depth among 4 mulching materials. All mulching can decrease soil unit weight. And straw mulching has the most effects.
Soil critical moisture for seeding under mulching was studied by indoor and outdoor experiments.
The annual variation of soil temperature under mulching changed more smoothly than that of the control (CK), so the differences among the soil layers were small.
The effects of the irrigation with fresh and brackish water on soil and the growth of cotton were studied under wheat straw mulching.
The soil salt contents were increased in all growth stages of rice with film mulching cultivation, especially in panicle initiation stage and harvesting stage.
As the radiation to the ground was blocked by the straw mulching, the soil temperature decreased as the quantity of the mulched straw increased.
The plastic mulching irrigation is an important technique in dryland farming, which can increase temperature and conserve soil moisture.
The effects of concret mulching on evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration, soil salt, yields of cotton and corn, water use efficiency were studied by field experiments.
The effects of concret mulching on evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration, soil salt, yields of cotton and corn, water use efficiency were studied by field experiments.