At the end of this paper, the measures of harnessing land pollution, such as petroleum reclamation on oil pit, polluted soil burn and changing soil reclamation, etc. are proposed.
The research on soil reconstruction was core on land reclamation.
This paper presents a kind of waterblowing fill technology to recover soil for reclamation in ash yard of power plant.
There is some significance in reclamation by filling the depressions with coal gangue, but this method makes serious environment pollution, especially, to the groundwater and soil.
The disturbance ecological effect of reclamation on soil and vegetation of grasslands is studied in this paper.
In the stage of the biological reclamation, I have studied the soil improvement method, the planted forest technology and the farming and forestry multiplexed system.
Biological Reclamation refers to the use of biological, and other technical measures to restore soil fertility and biological productivity, and establish a stable layer of plant activities.
The method of discharging of waste soil and rock and of the soil improvement of the reclamation land at discharged area out of the...
The purpose of this study is to seek new methods for reclaiming waste subsidence lands given prevailing reclamation approach is increasingly challenged by soil deficiency.
Land reclamation technology includes surface humus soil stripping and piling, blocks the dregs dam. retaining dam, flood drainage guide, land leveling and backfilling of soil humus.
Grassland reclamation disturbs the soil and vegetation in grasslands in varying degrees.
The problems faced by wetland are poldering reclamation, water pollution, eutrophication, water and soil loss, excessive utilization of biological resource due to history and human being.
The reclamation and utilization of beach soil resources were evaluated by using various parameters of constitution of soil association.
In Vacuum preloading process, the consolidation settlement rules of reclamation silt foundation are different from that of the general soft soil.
Leaching test, soil modified experiment, adsorption and desorption experiment were carried out for coal gangue reclamation in collapse area of coal-mines.
From the viewpoint of soil formation, the principle of rational use of alkaline grassland and reclamation of soda solonchak should be the protection and restoration of vegetative covers of the soils.
The main cause of soil erosion is deforestation for farmland reclamation and cultivation on steep slopes.
Foundation soil treatment method of coastal beach reclamation is very important for development and construction of coastal area, which has problems of low consolidation and bearing capacity.
Pre-loading Technique is adopted to improve the soft soil in Shenzhen bay reclamation engineering.
Waste land reclamation leads to destroy of vegetation and soil structure, deteriorate local ecological environment day by day.
The results showed that coastal soils had low organic matter, high electrical conductivity and sand content, and some soil properties changed with reclamation years.
Due to unreasonable utilization and reclamation for long time, slope farmland has been the main source of soil and water losses.
Due to unreasonable utilization and reclamation for long time, slope farmland has been the main source of soil and water losses.