This indicates that the sandy soil water retention curve can be predicted by the fractal model for sandy soil water retention curve.
Soil water retention characteristics served as a vital parameter in modeling water movement and chemical transport in unsaturated soil.
The soil water retention properties of the absorbent of DQ-1 were tested in the sandy soil of west Heilongjiang Province under the conditions of the laboratory.
在试验室稳定蒸发条件下测试了DQ - 1型保墒剂在黑龙江省西部风沙土中的保墒性能。
Spatial variability of soil water retention function is a primary prerequisite for quantitative research on water movement and solution transfer in unsaturated zone.
A spatially-random network model by using measured pore morphology was then set up to simulate the pore scale flow processes, and to predict the soil water retention curve near saturation.
A fitted relationship between the parameters and the soil texture was established, with which the model parameters of soil water retention curves can be predicted by the soil physical characteristic.
Mr. Wang's team encourages farmers to grow fruit trees as well as more traditional crops such as corn on their terraces to improve the retention of soil and water.
Experts have found that the condiment can help water retention if mixed with water and spread over soil.
The water retention curve is one of the essential links to study the soil water movement.
With the increase of farming years the degradation of nutrients, texture and bulk density weakened the soil abilities of water and fertility retention.
The result shows that the high polymers VAM and PHM can not only enhance the water retention ability and the available water content, but also prevent the evaporation from the surface soil.
The paper dealed with the water retention capability of soil and the physical properties of soil water in dry red soils.
Application potassium-polyacrylate water retaining agent can strengthen water retention ability of red soil and sandy soil.
It also found strong environmental benefits such as improved soil fertility, better retention of water and resistance to drought.
Benefits of soil and water conservation was mainly studied after water retention was used in mountain orchard.
The functions of SAPs were brief reviewed, such as the ability of improving soil structure and water retention, inhibiting water evaporation, promoting crop growth and output.
A growth medium that is capable of supporting plant life includes a water retention component and soil.
Consider adding mulch or another commercial soil amendment that aid water retention for plants and trees.
In this article, soil water storage capacity and availability of different vegetations in the northern of Ziwuling secondary forest region were studied with moisture retention curve.
In this article, soil water storage capacity and availability of different vegetations in the northern of Ziwuling secondary forest region were studied with moisture retention curve.