Growth dynamics, yield, fruit quality and water use efficiency of greenhouse cucumber were studied under the different soil irrigation maximums in different seasons during initial bloom stage.
Affect of soil texture and rotation on wheat yield and water use efficiency has studied by using the method of contrast in Linfen and Xiangfen, Shanxi province.
Pot experiments were carried out to study the photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and water use efficiency of the seedlings of four winter wheat varieties under different soil drought.
The suitable planting density and time of sowing are favor of optimum use of soil water and improving water use efficiency, and make potato increasing its output.
It was approved that crop water use efficiency (WUE) was increased and the preferable yield was obtained in the moderate soil moisture.
The effects of irrigation frequency and soil matric potential on potato growth and water use efficiency(WUE) under drip irrigation in North China were studied.
Based on the experimental data, the relationships between water consumption, yield, marginal yield, water use efficiency and soil water content are systematically analyzed.
The effects of concret mulching on evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration, soil salt, yields of cotton and corn, water use efficiency were studied by field experiments.
Soil water content had a substantial impact on P uptake and P use efficiency in all 4 cultivars.
The dynamic change of soil water of 5 island cottons was studied, The results show that there are distinct difference in soil water content and water use efficiency among different varieties.
It explored the effect of straw returned to field and deep fertilization in autumn on the growth and yield of dryland corn as well as water use efficiency and soil fertility.
Such measures as row spacing reduced and close planting and furrow growing are propitious to optimize soil water flow system and they can greatly increase crop's yield and water use efficiency.
There are distinct differences between yield, total water consumption and water use efficiency in different soil types.
The 2 conservation tillage systems showed promise in reducing water and soil erosion, saving energy, increasing corn yield, and improving water use efficiency.
Because soil evaporation was reduced obviously in the earlier stage of crop growth, available water was increased during flourishing stage of crops. So water use efficiency was increased.
Therefore, Maize-soybean intercropping could make full use of the soil water and light, heat, air resources, and improve water use efficiency because of their high-low structure.
Therefore, Maize-soybean intercropping could make full use of the soil water and light, heat, air resources, and improve water use efficiency because of their high-low structure.