Ikaros and its solar sail are seen in an artist's rendering.
Solar sail is a kind of space probe sended into outer space by mankind.
Finally, the stability of solar sail flexible modes is analyzed in depth.
Other groups around the world are expected to launch solar sail demonstrators soon.
The group says the solar sail can be seen from the earth in the middle of June.
There are several missions related to solar sail being studied by NASA and ESA.
The satellite is designed to test the effectiveness of what is called solar sail propulsion.
The theoretical equation system of structural analysis on solar sail is given in this paper.
NASA plans to test a full-size solar sail for chemical-free propulsion and a deep space atomic clock.
That's basically all there is to a solar sail, everything else is necessary engineering and physics complication.
With passive control, the solar sail orbit is stable and its initial momentum determines the orbit parameters.
Dr. Shirley said that the solar sail was feasible and that the only question was, “Do you want to spend some money?”
Right now, one key technological problem for solar-sail spacecraft lies in how to efficiently unroll solar sails in space.
Lastly, the deflection capabilities of traditional gravitational tractor and solar sail gravitational tractor are compared.
Glinting in the sunlight as it circles planet Earth, the NanoSail-D solar sail will periodically be bright and easily visible to the eye.
A solar sail vessel would merely enter the stream and hitch a ride, like a paper airplane drifting into the wind made by an electric fan.
Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory even once investigated sending a solar sail to rendezvous and ride along with Halley's Comet during its pass in 1986.
Japan continues to have a program, and test solar sails have been deployed from satellites or rockets, but no one has ever gotten as far as trying to sail them anywhere.
The term solar sail is a misnomer, since Count Dooku's interstellar sloop USES an as-yet unknown brand of energetic propulsion far more exotic than stellar radiation.
Modern solar sail spacecraft designs, like NanoSail-D or the Japanese interplanetary spacecraft IKAROS, rely on the small but continuous pressure from sunlight itself for thrust.
现代太阳帆航天器的设计,如纳米帆- D或者日本的行星飞船IKAROS,是以很少但是持续的太阳光为推动力。
The NanoSail-D may be followed over the next three years by another solar sail, this one built by the Planetary Society, a nonprofit space advocacy organization in Pasadena, Calif.
NanoSail - d结束飞行任务三年后,将有另外一个太阳帆发射升空,它由位于加州Pasadena的非营利性组织行星社(The PlanetarySociety)制造。
In an unusual take on a self-portrait, a camera aboard Japan's Ikaros spacecraft separated from the main body on June 15 to snap this first picture of the craft's fully deployed solar sail.
Solar sail spacecraft dynamic modeling and solving are the basis of attitude control and structural vibration suppression, and they are of important theoretical and engineering significance.
Still, the new technology may not win solar-sail races any time soon.
The sail captures constantly streaming solar particles, called photons, with giant sails built from a lightweight material.
Alternatively Icarus could use an extremely large magnetic sail to help decelerate, once within reach of the target star's solar wind or magnetosphere.
Solar-sail ships go faster the longer they travel.
A magnetic space sail would also rely on the solar wind for momentum.
The Mariner 10 probe successfully demonstrated the technology in 1974 when NASA used the probe's solar arrays as an impromptu sail.
The Mariner 10 probe successfully demonstrated the technology in 1974 when NASA used the probe's solar arrays as an impromptu sail.