A powerful magnitude-7.6 earthquake struck off the Solomon Islands on Monday.
Ului degraded slightly before dealing the southern Solomon Islands a glancing blow.
The death toll from a tsunami that hit the Solomon Islands is expected to grow.
The quake struck near the Santa Cruz Islands, which are part of the Solomon Islands nation.
The capital of the Solomon Islands, on the northwest coast of Guadalcanal. Population, ', 25.
In the Solomon Islands in the south Pacific some villagers practice a unique form of logging.
A national drill was held in 2007 after a tsunami had killed over 20 people in the Solomon Islands.
The capital of the Solomon Islands, on the northwest coast of Guadalcanal. Population, 16,125.
The Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, Tonga, the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu could also all be at risk.
Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels a freckle - face blenny peeks from its reef burrow in the Solomon Islands.
Q: it is reported that the Solomon Islands suffered from an earthquake of 8.0 magnitudes on the Richer scale.
JAKARTA, Indonesia - a powerful earthquake has struck waters off the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific.
In the Solomon Islands, dolphins are regularly killed for their meat and their teeth, which are used decoratively.
The remnants were photographed on the Northern Mariana Islands, Solomon Islands and the Rock Islands in Palau.
One District is 9600 which includes parts of Brisbane as well as all Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
一个是第 9600地区,包括布利斯班的一部分以及所有巴布亚纽几内亚和所罗门岛屿。
Among the worst 20 countries were Afghanistan, Pakistan and Solomon Islands as well as a slew of countries in Africa.
A tsunami struck without warning in the western Solomon Islands, washing away villages and killing at least 13 people.
I've seen remote villages in the Solomon Islands with a packet radio link to dissimilar island for their Internet access.
Debris of a United States Naval transport vessel remains abandoned after being stranded in NggelaIslands, Solomon Islands.
Earlier this year I was kicking around the Solomon Islands and ended up one day at a small resort just south of the port of Gizo.
The grand Dendrobium is native to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands in the south-west Pacific, and can grow up to 1 metre in height.
The Solomon Islands, Samoa and Tonga are among countries with high rates of forest degradation due to heavy exploitation of timber resources.
One of the Solomon Islands in the southwest Pacific Ocean southeast of Bougainville Island. It was under German control from 88 'to 899.
太平洋西南部所罗门群岛中的一个岛屿,位于布干维尔岛东南。88 '至899年间被德国控制。
One of the Solomon Islands in the southwest Pacific Ocean southeast of Bougainville Island. It was under German control from 88 'to 899.
太平洋西南部所罗门群岛中的一个岛屿,位于布干维尔岛东南。88 '至899年间被德国控制。