The elastic equilibrium is reduced to solve some Rimann boundary value problem and the solution in closed form is given.
In this paper we proposed a closed form solution for direct identification of FIR system parameter, which circumvents the problem of error propagation.
Finally, a solution in a closed form is obtained.
The closed form solution of 3 RPR planar parallel mechanism was obtained. It is a 6 th degree equation in one variable.
从而导出3 - RPR平面并联机构正运动学封闭形式解为一元六次方程。
The closed form general solution is a rigorous solution in mathematics. It does not require initial values and iterations.
This paper presents a new solution of absolute orientation in the closed form.
In this paper, a novel controller for thyristor-controlled series capacitors (TCSCs) with closed-form analytical solution nonlinear optimal predictive control (NOPC) is presented.
The expressions of the exact solution are simple and closed in form.
In math terms, they are a closed-form solution; lesser artists literally solve the same problems by successive approximation.
In this paper, a closed-form solution to wave induced seepage pressure in infinite-depth seabed is obtained by taking into account the soil deformation and the compressibility of the pore-water.
In this paper, a closed-form solution to wave induced seepage pressure in infinite-depth seabed is obtained by taking into account the soil deformation and the compressibility of the pore-water.