Solventless varnishes are often used for impregnating the coils of middle and small motors.
A solventless synthesis of epoxy soya oil was studiecl. The synthesis process was optimized by orthogonal experiments.
The function of OMMT in solventless epoxy corrosion protective coatings was analyzed and the formulation was optimized.
The paper emphasized the formulation design and expatiated application notice items of solventless self - leveling epoxy floor coatings.
In the paper, surfactant palmitoylated konjac glucomannan(PKGM) was synthesized by solventless method and refined by non-toxic compounded solvent.
The present invention adopts solventless manufacturing technique so as to reduce material cost, and TEBA is taken as a catalyst to improve the product quality and yield.
The present situation of the research work, coating technology and application of additive solventless silicone release agent in recent years are described in this paper.
Improved the technics of synthesis on fatty acid sucrose esters by solventless method, and obtained better technics parameters by experiments. We added a new catalyst in the experiments.
Solventless epoxy self- leveling floor coatings, thanks to its excellent applicability, leveling, tough film, good impact, and chemical resistance , has been widely used for industrial floors.
无溶剂环氧自流平地坪涂料以其优异的施工性、 流平性、 柔韧性、耐冲击性、耐化学介质腐蚀等特点,广泛用于各行各业的工业厂房。
Unsaturated epoxy resins were synthesis by inducing vinyl into epoxy molecules via molecular design, and the solventless unsaturated epoxy insulating varnish was prepared with styrene as thinner.
The performances, applications and perspectives of vairous coatings including high solids solvent borne coatings, powder coatings, water borne coatings and liquid solventless coatings are reviewed.
The performances, applications and perspectives of vairous coatings including high solids solvent borne coatings, powder coatings, water borne coatings and liquid solventless coatings are reviewed.