The new aircraft creates a sonic boom.
The sonic boom, however, will not be uniform.
Our sonic boom machine is in South America.
Will I cause a dream sonic boom if I go faster?
Shatalov surmises that the shock wave from another plane's sonic boom was to blame.
Now there are companies that will insure people for damage caused by a sonic boom.
The sharp release of pressure, after the buildup by the shock wave, is heard as the sonic boom.
It is the rate of change, the sudden onset of the pressure change, that makes the sonic boom audible.
Breaking the sound barrier generates a sonic boom, so supersonic travel is heavily restricted over land.
The ratio of aircraft length to maximum cross sectional area also influences the intensity of the sonic boom.
Most people on the ground cannot distinguish between the two and they are usually heard as a single sonic boom.
The micro-pressure wave is similar to the aeronautical sonic boom and caused serious environmental damages.
A sonic boom is the loud crash and shaking that happens when a jet plane goes faster than the speed of sound.
An aircraft, for example, flying supersonic at 50,000 feet can produce a sonic boom cone about 50 miles wide.
Of all the factors influencing sonic booms, increasing altitude is the most effective method of reducing sonic boom intensity.
But Aerion reckons that a far better approach is to abandon efforts to reduce the sonic boom and fly supersonic only over water.
In this case, the 33 megajoules launched the shot 5,500 feet per second, exceeding the speed of sound and releasing a sonic boom.
Generally, the higher the aircraft, the greater the distance the shock wave must travel, reducing the intensity of the sonic boom.
In this case, the 33 megajoules launched the shot 5, 500 feet per second, exceeding the speed of sound and releasing a sonic boom.
As the cone spreads across the landscape along the flight path, they create a continuous sonic boom along the full width of the cone's base.
If you encounter a sonic boom, is that evidence that an aircraft of some sort exceeded the speed of sound moments ago to become supersonic?
Advised on hypersonic activities for other divisions, the High Speed Civil Transport, sonic boom, ozone environment, and rocket SSTO concepts.
The lateral spreading of the sonic boom depends only upon altitude, speed and the atmosphere -- and is independent of the vehicle's shape, size, and weight.
U. S. Navy photographer with lightning-fast reflexes captured this image of a fighter plane blasting through a "sonic boom cloud" as the jet broke the sound barrier.
Boeing and Lockheed Martin have submitted futuristic concepts that look similar to the Concorde, but aim to muffle the annoying and potentially damaging sonic boom problem.
A sonic boom is the thunder-like noise a person on the ground hears when an aircraft or other type of aerospace vehicle flies overhead faster than the speed of sound or supersonic.
The change in air pressure associated with a sonic boom is only a few pounds per square foot — about the same pressure change experienced riding an elevator down two or three floors.
In addition, the existence of the so-called "PCI sound card sonic boom phenomenon", was mainly due to have a sound card and hard drive for the limited bandwidth due to the PCI bus.
True to its aeronautic roots, NASA is evaluating a new generation of supersonic airplane designs to see whether they can reduce sonic-boom levels.
True to its aeronautic roots, NASA is evaluating a new generation of supersonic airplane designs to see whether they can reduce sonic-boom levels.