A sonic boom is the thunder-like noise a person on the ground hears when an aircraft or other type of aerospace vehicle flies overhead faster than the speed of sound or supersonic.
The lateral spreading of the sonic boom depends only upon altitude, speed and the atmosphere -- and is independent of the vehicle's shape, size, and weight.
A sonic boom is the loud crash and shaking that happens when a jet plane goes faster than the speed of sound.
In this case, the 33 megajoules launched the shot 5,500 feet per second, exceeding the speed of sound and releasing a sonic boom.
In this case, the 33 megajoules launched the shot 5, 500 feet per second, exceeding the speed of sound and releasing a sonic boom.
The main principle is introduced, and the relationship between speed of sonic wave and media temperature is deduced. The great merits and existing questions of acoustic pyrometry are shown.
The results showed that the extrusion speed had effects on the irregularity of cross section, surface morphology, profile degree, sonic orientation and compactness of PAN fiber.
If you encounter a sonic boom, is that evidence that an aircraft of some sort exceeded the speed of sound moments ago to become supersonic?
The only sonic toothbrush with a slim, angled neck, contour-fit bristles and ultra-high bristle speed for greater plaque removal in hard-to-reach areas.
The testing of transmission speed of sonic wave in the gas-liquid two-phase flow indicates that Wood formula can be used to calculate the transmission speed of sonic wave in the two-phase flow.
Drilling speed can be predicted through sonic logging.
Advised on hypersonic activities for other divisions, the High Speed Civil Transport, sonic boom, ozone environment, and rocket SSTO concepts.
Advised on hypersonic activities for other divisions, the High Speed Civil Transport, sonic boom, ozone environment, and rocket SSTO concepts.