The story in Secret Rings is a slight departure from the usual Sonic the Hedgehog setup. One day while Sonic is sleeping, a genie visits him.
According to the company, the team sought to channel the feel of early 1980s 8-bit microprocessor videogames such as Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog.
Instead, they migrated beyond the organizer's boundaries to a position where, later on, high concentrations of sonic hedgehog turned them into the middle finger.
After a slew of disappointing and downright bad games, Sega's speedy hedgehog has finally returned in a game worthy of the Sonic legacy.
One potential problem: the Sonic hedgehog gene is linked to basal-cell carcinoma, a common, treatable skin cancer.
One potential problem: the Sonic hedgehog gene is linked to basal-cell carcinoma, a common, treatable skin cancer.