The sort command can also merge already sorted files and check whether a file is sorted or not.
The uniq command normally operates on sorted files, and removes consecutive identical lines from any file, whether sorted or not.
This historical data can be sorted and exported as a comma-separated value (CSV) file, which enables the data to be imported into spreadsheets and other applications.
This core index file stores all of the terms and related information in the index, sorted by term.
There is one condition in the second case: each input file must be sorted before they are all sent to sort -m together.
第二种情况有个条件:在将所有输入文件一起进行sort- m之前,每个文件都必须经过排序。
Selecting a properties file found in the list of Source Language list will automatically select the corresponding file in the Target Language list, and display their contents sorted by key.
选择SourceLanguage列表中的一个特性文件将自动选中Target Language列表中的对应文件,并显示其按键排序的内容。
Each file has its own vector space to search, and the results are numerically sorted within each file.
Once you've sorted through what can be discarded, recycled or given away, then buy file folders, shelving, paint, cleaning equipment or whatever you need to do a terrific job.
Multiple changes are accumulated and sorted in memory then written to disk when a certain configurable file size threshold is reached.
While they don't have to go into the trash can, but they should be sorted and organized into file folders inside your desk, or somewhere else hidden from view.
The records in the sample file are sorted by account ID, eliminating the need for you to instruct DataStage to sort the input before completing the desired processing.
When you move a note or file in icon view, the view is no longer automatically sorted.
Consecutive blank lines are removed, tabs are converted into Spaces, and the using or Import directives within a class file are consolidated and sorted.
Obtain two strings to be sorted from an input source such as a file or user input.
The traditional bubble sort is a simple and applicable information processing method, but is not effective in operating the file, in which some records have been sorted beforehand.
The traditional bubble sort is a simple and applicable information processing method, but is not effective in operating the file, in which some records have been sorted beforehand.