It was wonderful to see how the sound and sight of fireworks put smiles on everyone's faces.
Just the odd sound and sight, invisible to the unfocused villager more concerned with news from London or with the harvest or church gossip.
With sight and sound easily delivered in bits of data to the home, retailers are now experimenting with the two senses that don't transmit: touch and smell.
But what Ed was discovering is that most organisms on Earth do not communicate by sight and sound.
The journalism of sight and sound is the only truly new form of journalism to come along.
The sight, sound and smell of the sea combine with the huge sky to make everyday concerns seem somehow less important.
Submarines, for example, use the familiar human senses of sight and sound to build images of their surroundings.
Address People by their name - People love the sight and sound of their own name, so make sure you learn to remember names.
Occasionally it was at a hillside we could be in sight of the yellow weasel-like beasts rushing quickly to pass through the narrow pathway. The mountain wind sent out gust and gust of dismal sound.
This can involve sight, sound, taste, smell and other senses-the reason why Funkhouser says the term deja vu (which only refers only to sight) is inadequate.
The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing。
Some animals have very acute sense of sight or sound, while others may have sharp sense of smell and touch.
I like the sight and the sound.
The trust is now seeking Lottery funding to excavate the remaining portion of the site and to recreate the playhouse in sight and sound.
Much as my implants make my brain "hear" sound, more advanced implants could one day evoke sensations of sight, touch and even feelings.
Thee sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.
看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,令我特别神往。 。
When it comes to the senses - sight, smell, sound and taste - vision is extremely important in how birds (parrots or otherwise) decide what to eat.
Fans are being promised improved sight lines for watching games. The big video screen will be six times larger, and the sound system will also be improved.
The sight and sound of aur jet planes filled me with special longing.
The sight and sound of our jet plane filled me with special longing.
Detecting 'flavor' actually refers to a complex sensation of taste, touch, smell, sight and sound, all of which combine to produce the perception of a substance.
Orville Schell said that his most memorable sound after arriving in Beijing in 1975 was silence, and his most memorable sight was darkness.
Sight and sound and touch are bound up with our own bodies and cannot be impersonal.
Sight and sound and touch are bound up with our own bodies and cannot be impersonal.