Nothing to worry about. Sound test!
According to the research, a sound test system is designed and provided to the succedent work.
Kids can test drive the latest games on large-screen TVs with state-of-the-art sound.
The doctor will examine your throat, test your blood pressure, take your temperature, sound your heart and lungs, check your teeth or have your chest X-rayed.
医生会检查你的喉咙,给你测血压,量体温,检查你的心肺,牙齿或者做胸部 x 光检查。
The Court's decision protected the right of naval vessels to test submarine-hunting sonar systems, whose intense sound pulses have been linked to several mass whale strandings.
You can't cram information about music, the sound of music, into your head the night before a test the way you might be able to in an English course or a history course.
To test their method, they conditioned these mice, as well as a control group, to fear a sound by pairing it with an electric shock.
S. Navy v. Whales. The Court's decision protected the right of naval vessels to test submarine-hunting sonar systems, whose intense sound pulses have been linked to several mass whale strandings.
The same group was also subjected to a simple "startle" test of emotional reactivity in which they sat quietly until a loud gunshot sound crashed through the room.
Developed by PhDs and statistically sound, our test reflects the best research available.
That might sound harsh, but when the test was first launched, the vision behind it was utopian.
Test the sound quality on your CD player first.
Using specially designed sound signals the test can help determine whether the cause of a hearing loss is to be found in the inner ear or in the brain.
The radio engineers want to test for sound.
Conclusions Sound stimulation test is simple, convenient and economic in neonatal hearing screening, so that it is a good method for early detection of hearing disability.
While they slept, scientists played the sound cues for half the images presented during the memory test.
You may encouter the error if you run the sound hardware test wizard again.
The company's first product, built in a Palo Alto garage, was an audio oscillator--an electronic test instrument used y sound engineers.
When we use it to test the underwater target strength, one problem is how to discriminate the direct sound of the source with the echo reflected from the target, finding the target character quickly.
Abnormal sound of chafing was heard from the crane during running test.
This paper explores the feasibility of ultrasonic technology leading to produce fire-retardant wood and test conditions such as frequency, sound intensity and time etc.
This article research content and research results mainly includes following parts: Phononic crystals new sound insulating material standing wave tube test modelling.
In the automatic generation of test data, there is no sound solution to generating class-object test data in the practical applications.
From the informal subject test and object test, it is showed that the reconstructed speech sound is clear and natural, achieving a high quality.
Convinced your common sense is pretty sound? You might want to put it to the test with a new quiz.
After a white noise signal has been taken as the input of a standard sound source, a static acoustic test is conducted for a prototype silencer without air flow and at the normal temperature.
The researchers tested 44 12-month-olds to see how they recognized three-syllable patterns — nonsense words, just to test sound learning.
There are sound physical and chemical inspection equipment, optical microscope, universal test machine, desktop sclerometer.
There are sound physical and chemical inspection equipment, optical microscope, universal test machine, desktop sclerometer.