To configure Samba, first change to the source3 subdirectory of the main Samba source code directory.
要配置Samba,首先更改 Samba源代码主目录的source3 子目录。
As a result, its structure looks more complex than it actually is. Figure 2 shows the complete, expanded structure of the source code directory.
Note: Other subdirectories off of the main Samba source code directory hold the source code for ancillary programs, support programs, documentation, and so on.
At this point, you should see the familiar Linux source code directory structure in your current working directory, and you can begin making modifications to the source.
现在在当前工作目录中,我们应该就可以看到熟悉的Linu x源代码目录结构了,然后我们可以对这些源代码任意进行修改。
If you want to completely remove an old version of Samba that was installed from source code, you should change into that version's source code directory and type make uninstall.
Then switch to the GIMP source base directory and type the code in Listing 6.
In a source directory with many megabytes of code, just knowing that menu items are registered in the initialize_menu_actions() function in newview/llviewermenu.cpp saves plenty of time.
在数百兆代码的源代码目录中,仅需要知道菜单项都是在newview/llviewermenu.cpp 中的 initialize_menu_actions()函数中注册的,这样可以节省很多时间。
As you bind visual components to data sources and data objects, binder code is generated as needed into your project source directory.
Create the project from the existing source and point to the extracted source directory (see Download for the source code).
Because this is a new project, add a new directory for the source code.
These files generally require a particular internal directory structure, one that usually does not match the directory structure of your source code and build environment.
First, you need to create a working directory and extract the included source code (see the Download section).
TARGET_DIR Target directory for the generated source code and object files.
TARGET _ DIR生成的源代码和对象文件的目标目录。
In this chapter, we will not spend too much time explaining the details of the directory structure in the source code project.
Copy your connector source code and all associated files to the same directory as in step 2.
To see how this instance is configured, examine the system-activemq-plan.xml deployment plan in the plan directory of the Geronimo source code distribution.
要查看此实例是如何配置的,可以检查Geronimo 源代码分配的计划目录中的system-activemq-plan.xml 部署计划。
Included in the article source code distribution is a temporal.images directory with NOAA weather service radar images suitable for experimentation.
随本文发布的源代码包括目录temporal . images,含有适用于实验的NOAA气象服务雷达图像。
The directory contains documentation, examples, the source code, and the js.jar file, which should be included on your classpath.
该目录中包含一些文档、例子、源代码和js . jar文件,而js . jar文件应该包含在classpath中。
Create a working directory to store your client source code (for example, c: \ HelloWorldTXConsoleClient) and change to that directory.
创建工作目录存储客户机源代码(例如c: \HelloWorldTXConsoleClient),并更改到该目录。
Very important: Never put anything other than source code in your src directory.
After you install the files, extract the source code, go to the directory it was extracted to and run make.
Unpack the images directory from the source code archive.
You will see a roo folder in your home directory containing all of the roo source code.
In this tutorial, it is assumed that the source code is stored in a directory on your local computer-you do not need to use a Web server or upload the files to a Web hosting service.
To clean the environment, execute the following command within the directory where you unpacked the source code: ant clean
Execute the following command within the directory where you unpacked the source code: ant run.
Extract the tarball and change to the directory of the source code.
After the repo sync command has downloaded all of the Android source code to your mydriod directory, a few noteworthy subdirectories that were created include.
This directory holds the source code for the main Samba package.
Change to the directory containing the source code for your project.