Then, as the sky darkened, the stars became visible, the Earth’s spin making them trace their own circular paths about the north and south celestial poles.
With a pile more money, you can cut the proton and neutrons into their smallest parts, quarks, you will still have magnets with North and South poles.
The most common impacts for the average person are the glowing auroras around the north and south poles, and the researchers said those could be visible this weekend.
If you cannot have one without the other, it is like the north and south poles of a magnet.
They act, in other words, like tiny bar magnets with north and south poles, making them rotate in a magnetic field.
These changes are mild compared to what Earth's magnetic field has done in the past —sometimes the field completely flips, with the north and the south poles swapping places.
These changes are mild compared to what Earth's magnetic field has done in the past - sometimes the field completely flips, with the north and the south poles swapping places.
Some people believe that the Earth's North and South poles weren't always located where they are now.
You've just made two smaller magnets each with their own North and South poles.
Vast glowing rings, called auroras, often appear far above the North and South Poles. These rings can be more than 12, 000 miles (19, 312 kilometers) around.
The scientists were also shocked by data showing that Uranus' magnetic north and south poles were not closely aligned with the north-south axis of the planet's rotation.
Very magnet ever made or found always has at least two poles, called North and South.
"These buried ice sheets that extend from the poles all the way down to 45 degrees or so (north and south latitude) don't quite cover half of the planet, but (they) come close," he said.
“这些埋藏着的冰原从两极一直延伸到(北纬和南纬)45度左右,没能完全覆盖半个火星,但(覆盖面)接近这一水平。”Shane Byrne表示。
The earth revolves around the axis which joins the North and South Poles.
The alignment of the iron particles occurs because each of the iron filings becomes a miniature magnet with north and south poles.
Astronomers saw that the planet was red with white areas at its north and south poles.
The central hypothesis is not listed in the project distribution poles, and the nature of the north and south poles were mixed, then I will plan not to say yes or no clothes.
In the frigid zone, not only in winter, even if the north and south poles can also distinguish the four seasons.
The Equator is a great circle midway between the North and South Poles.
The equator is a great circle midway between the north and south poles .
You may wonder why the magnet's poles point north and south?
On Earth, it is always cold at the North and South Poles and it is always hot at the equator, but this is not true on Uranus.
At certain times of the year the ozone layer becomes extremely thin near the north and south poles.
You may wonder why the magnet 's poles point north and south.
It has been suggested that birds can sense the magnetic lines of force stretching from the north to south magnetic poles of the earth, and so direct themselves.
It has been suggested that birds can sense the magnetic lines of force stretching from the north to south magnetic poles of the earth, and so direct themselves.