They inhabited the area along Narragansett Bay from present-day Warwick to South Kingstown and were the largest of a number of native tribes living in the area.
The last of the Bay-area drop-in contenders is, in many ways, the most intriguing. Solazyme, another firm based in South San Francisco, wants to use single-celled algae to make its fuel.
The expedition team made 21 dives to depths of 300 to 400 feet in South Africa's Sodwana Bay area.
Coastal Road, the location of Caltrop Bay is located in the famous national scenic spots --- Dalian Scenic Area south of the central waterfront.
This pedestrian bridge links Marina Center with Marina South in the Marina Bay area in Singapore.
The area is next to Hainan Tongguling State Natural Reserve area in the north, and next to wide sea in the east and south, and next to Qishui Bay in the west.
Its new condition of urban viewpoint allows visitors to enjoy exceptional views oriented to the south, reincorporating the lost images of the bay and the passage of ships in that area of the city.
A beautiful ecological environment, abundant natural resources, convenient location advantage, history of Xinyang tea culture, excellent Nanwan fish culture, constitute the South Bay Lake Scenic area.
The thesis is based on the study to the North area of the Bohai Bay, the Yellow River estuary and the South area of the Bohai Sea, which are selected as typical areas.
The thesis is based on the study to the North area of the Bohai Bay, the Yellow River estuary and the South area of the Bohai Sea, which are selected as typical areas.