The main eco-environmental problems in Southern Shaanxi Province were revealed, which include soil and water loss, frequent geological hazards, and the low level of environmental pollution prevention.
Xian is the capital of Shaanxi province, located in the southern part of the Guanzhong Plain.
Xiaweiluo site is located at a loess tableland of the southern Xiaweiluo Village, Xunyi County, Shaanxi Province.
Lingnan cattle is a local breed distributed in the southern area of Guling of Shangluo city of Shaanxi province.
In the Southern Tableland (Nanyuan)of Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province, the loess landslides often occur along the slope of the tableland, causing heavy casualties and serious economic losses.
Kuanchuanpu biota is the early Cambrian microfossil which is characterized as an early animal and plant fossil in the southern region of Shaanxi province.
Kuanchuanpu biota is the early Cambrian microfossil which is characterized as an early animal and plant fossil in the southern region of Shaanxi province.