The larger cushion would allow the Banks to absorb greater haircuts on their sovereign debt holdings and deflect market skepticism as to their solvency.
HOW much does Mr Market dislike Greece's sovereign debt?
Without forcibly cramming down the creditors, Europe could improve the incentives for debt buy-backs by finally instructing regulators to mark sovereign debt to market in bank stress tests.
But for issuers in a crowded sovereign-debt market, it means fewer trips to the well.
With the world’s biggest sovereign-bond market and trusted institutions, America will be able to carry a higher public-debt burden than Greece.
美国拥有世界上最大的主权债务(国债)市场和可信机构。 因此,跟希腊相比,美国能承受更重的债务负担。
One state law did almost pass, but Banks that underwrite emerging-market sovereign-debt issues managed to block it.
The market is now forcing European leaders to quickly decide how they want the rest of the sovereign debt crisis to play out.
It has got to the point where even Deutschebank CEO Josef Ackerman is saying that many major European Banks would become insolvent if they had to mark their sovereign debt to market.
First, in Europe, the sovereign debt crisis of main developed countries inflation milder, international market commodity prices fell sharply, imported inflation pressure decreased significantly.
Just as the market thought that Eurozone officials had the crisis in hand and the euro could resume its uptrend, sovereign debt fears have once again crawled out of the wood work.
The reason for the stock market rout is a combination of fears over the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and growing concern about the US recovery.
How will the sovereign debt crisis in Europe impact the future of this market?
How will the sovereign debt crisis in Europe impact the future of this market?