How will NASA transform the International Space Station from a building site into a cutting-edge research laboratory?
Official Chinese media report the country's ultimate goal is to build a permanent space laboratory and a larger-scale space engineering system.
The American portion of the space station was designated a National Laboratory in 2005, which allows its facilities to be used by non-NASA researchers.
"There's something very intriguing going on with that that we don't understand yet," said study lead author Brian Anderson, a space physicist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
Space-faring humans have called the International Space Station home for 10 years now, but the orbital laboratory only recently got a window worthy of its stunning views.
"This is what the ISS was meant to be -- a truly international orbiting laboratory," said Steve Payne, a NASA test director at the Kennedy Space Center.
The space station is a working research laboratory.
In laboratory construction of the universe as a toy, to help physicists operation was in space and time could not finish the experiment.
In laboratory-scale research, Cooper and co-workersfound that dry water absorbed over three times as much carbon dioxide asordinary, uncombined water and silica in the same space of time.
In laboratory-scale research, Cooper and co-workers found that dry water absorbed over three times as much carbon dioxide as ordinary, uncombined water and silica in the same space of time.
Researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, investigated how organic molecules might evolve toward greater complexity even in the cold of interstellar space.
The next shuttle launch is scheduled for May when Discovery is to deliver the second portion of the Kibo laboratory to the space station.
"This sort of thing may very well be consistent with wanting to test drive the hardware and software before you test it on your space laboratory," Cheng says.
In 2006, NASA's Dexterous Robotics Laboratory at Johnson Space Center teamed up with GM to design the new robot.
2006年,NASA位于约翰逊太空中心的灵活机器人实验室(Dexterous Robotics Laboratory)又与通用汽车公司联合设计新式机器人。
China plans to launch a space laboratory before 2016, and hopes to have a space station in orbit capable of accommodating long-term stays in space by around 2020, officials have said.
The RR-AIRSS program is sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missiles Systems Center and managed by the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate in Albuquerque, n.m..
RR - AIRSS计划由美国空军空间与导弹系统中心发起,由美国空军研究实验室空间车辆理事会管理。
This idea of detonating bombs in near-space was proposed in 1957 by Nicholas Christofilos, a physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
引爆近太空炸弹的想法是由LawrenceBerkeley国家实验室的物理学家Nicholas Christofilos提出的。
By 2020, an 80-ton space station will be completed, consisting of the core module, laboratory, node cabin, manned spacecraft and cargo ship.
By concentrating the energy in space and time, the laser produces positrons more rapidly and in greater density than ever before in the laboratory.
Please read resources create an evolutionary experiment on satellite, as in the laboratory by ray and electricity produces the amino acids and space.
In the space, like clean operation room, biosafety laboratory and high precision industrial factory building, the breakdown of clean air-conditioning system will lead to the risk of death.
In the space, like clean operation room, biosafety laboratory and high precision industrial factory building, the breakdown of clean air-conditioning system will lead to the risk of death.