In REM dreams, position sense gets turned off, and we can and do go anywhere in space and time — one reason 99 percent of people fly in their dreams.
The sense of unalloyed power we often take from his music is a result, not of weight of orchestra sound, but of his astonishing command of the interrelationship of texture, time and musical space.
For a volunteer unconference this doesn't make a lot of sense as you have limited time and space.
An exquisite sense of space and time?
Eventually he ADAPTS a strong subjective sense to explain this period of time to examine our common living space.
These days almost everyone lives in monotonous apartment blocks in Korea, and the lack of sequence and repose in space may cause people to lose their sense of time and imagination.
When one weighs the opposing forces, the elements of space and time, and the sea-land transfer problem, one sees that Churchill’s foot-dragging made sense。
That is why artistic creation desires to abolish time, to crush it, to give those who admire art the opportunity to travel through time and through space without any sense of restriction.
The very concept of black holes confuses our common sense notions of matter time and space.
Dieter Jung is such an avant-courier who USES such a technique, and creates the new visual and sense experience of spanning the time and space.
Cafe Italy candle burning half candle light cage in Jiang Guiming, with a transparent sense of a mysterious, as if through time and space.
Mathematics is concerned with the abstractions of time and space. But these are still the object of sense, although the sensible is abstract and idealized.
In a real sense, this theory is really a theory of creation, when the full power of 10 dimensional space-time was manifest.
Many weeks Hill Monument, Lane hovering twists and turns, the wall like horses galloping, big house high buildings, scattered courtyard hover, in which they lose their sense of space and time.
Through guidance teaching of the backsliding technique and by making good use of people's visual sense, correct sense of time, space and correct action position can be set up through exercises.
In this sense, on one hand, we respect his thoughts and wisdom, on the other hand, we have transcended the time and space of his era.
The grey of rich gradation, weak light space and abstractshape all form the sense of time with freeze frame and even the subtleatmosphere between the characters.
In this sense, the fifth generation of filmmakers began to break past the time attached to literary and artistic narrative mode, opening up space in the narrative film narrative dimension.
They form part of a Church which embraces all space and in a certain sense both time and eternity, since it is militant, suffering, and triumphant.
Some researches suggested that during being online, the time sense, space sense, reality perception and self-perception of those with Network addiction would change.
Indeed, several studies show that an individual who indulges in his passion or a profession often finds himself very stimulates and melts into the action and loses the sense of time and space.
Do you desire to sense the arrow penetrating the ancient, modern and future space-time?
Every common-sense notion about space , time, and speed becomes totally inappropriate.
One of the main functions of the traditional packing is to transmit information about space-time and region to consumers from the sense of vision image. (product).
Poems mostly select materials from ancient mythology or folktales, which has cut off its direct connections with reality and has formed a sense of distance and illusion in the space and time.
But following the themes of this historical approach over time provides a useful way to unify the course and get some sense of the commonality of historical problems across time and space.
By the view of space and time in the Relative Theory of Narrow Sense, discuss the two confusing physical concept; observe and survey, and analyse the difference between them.
By the view of space and time in the Relative Theory of Narrow Sense, discuss the two confusing physical concept; observe and survey, and analyse the difference between them.