One reason space engineers are notoriously conservative is that the costs of failure are high.
The National Academy of Sciences report emphasizes CubeSats' importance in scientific discovery and the training of future space scientists and engineers.
The system to raise the flag was designed and produced by engineers at China Space Sanjiang Group in Hubei Province.
The craft will periodically communicate with NASA engineers on Earth and is programmed to respond to glitches and unexpected trouble, the space site said.
At the American navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (known as SPAWAR for short), in San Diego, a team of more than 30 engineers is trying to solve such problems.
Engineers hope to have this next-generation space toilet available to use in space within the next five years.
That is the verdict of engineers from the US space agency and aeronautical firms, who envision future commuters travelling by "skycar".
The project is far enough along that last month the British space agency hosted a workshop to introduce Skylon to engineers and managers from the United States, Japan, Russia, Europe and elsewhere.
Making the stuff of science fiction into reality, NASA engineers are testing solar sails — a unique propulsion technology that one day could enable deep space missions.
This partition serves as a development space for their engineers.
NASA engineers are looking at photos and video of a torn solar panel from the International Space Station.
Just weeks after the launch of the Hubble space telescope in April 1990, NASA engineers were aghast to discover that a flawed mirror was blurring the relayed images.
With guidance from JPL and the principal investigator, engineers at Lockheed Martin Space Systems designed and built a special radiation vault made of titanium for a centralized electronics hub.
Technologies prevalent in the consumer space are being adopted for the automotive environment and are enabling engineers and designers greater freedom in design of the console.
At the Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama, engineers and scientists are working out how to make the Mars mission a reality.
NASA says engineers at Kennedy Space Center believe they have identified the cause of the heater failure that forced the postponement of the launch of the shuttle Endeavour.
Engineers at the Johnson Space Center are working around the clock to troubleshoot the problem, but it could take days to fix.
Space Shuttle Program Launch Integration Manager Mike Moses told reporters that engineers replaced the switchbox, and installed and tested new wiring.
Daily Express reports that British engineers are planning to put a mobile phone in space.
In the field of space exploring, engineers usually increase the quantity of antenna elements and the work band to improve the effect distance and resolving power of the antennas.
Lockheed Martin engineers work on the second Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) geosynchronous orbit (GEO-2) spacecraft at Lockheed Martin's facilities in Sunnyvale, Calif.
洛克希德马丁公司的工程师们第二个天基红外系统(SBIRS- 2)地球同步轨道卫星(全球环境展望2)的工作。
It is particularly useful where major software products are designed by teams of engineers who may not share the same physical space.
The price of launching a single American shuttle would run the entire Chinese space program for a year, paying for the work of all its 200,000 scientists and engineers.
Okada said. "Japan doesn't have so many interesting space missions, so engineers were excited by my idea."
Engineers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center are working on designs for a new giant launch vehicle called Magnum.
Engineers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center are working on designs for a new giant launch vehicle called Magnum.