China has set its sight on putting three people into space for a week, the China News Service said on Tuesday.
Any news about China's space station? Do you know when it will be in service?
This article takes a simple pre-built loan processing scenario and introduces the use of business variables and the business Space in the loan processing composite business service.
It just inherits service class from its originator address space.
The big empty space in the middle is of course our new (empty) service model opened in the model editor.
In that interaction, the catalog service returns information about the grid, including a complete routing map defining the location of all grid partitions and the associated key space for each.
The application service provider implements the pool manager in its memory space and can optimize resource usage by dynamically altering the pool size, based on demand.
This section shows how to report on service reuse, using some of the key products in SOA management space.
An old service returning a type to a client would restrict its value space to the old type, which will continue to work within the value space of the new type.
The additional processing time and space requirements on the service processor to manage the queuing environment will have a performance and capacity impact on the provider.
You can expand the value space for a data type that your service receives.
External address space applications are required to first use one of the optimized local adapter server APIs (Host service or Receive Request) and identify themselves as target services.
As long as you make one purchase from the site per year, you get unlimited storage space and uploads, which makes it a good service if you tend to print pictures anyway.
Within the Business-to-Business (B2B) space, system interfaces are an example of a maverick web service for many providers.
在B2B 领域中,系统接口是许多提供者的非规范服务的例子。
Hundreds of people were evacuated from its two 200-metre sections in the space of 20 minutes, to take refuge in a central service tunnel.
In addition to being fast and reliable, we will never have to worry about our service running out of disk space.
At this point the SFM console has been added to Business Space and products involved in creating 2 service domains have been configured with SCMP.
至此,SF M控制台已经添加到了业务空间中并且创建两个服务域所需的产品已经配置了SCMP。
Beyond this, you can now configure the flow according to service or operation by simply changing the mediation policies via Business Space; the mediation flow does not need to be redeployed.
The service is free, offers unlimited disk space, and requires no sign-up to use any of the site's features. The files you upload, however, can only be up to 100MB in size.
A crane dismantles another section of the fixed service structure on Launch Pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
佛罗里达周NASA肯尼迪航天中心,一个吊车正在拆卸39B号发射台固定支撑结构的另一部分。 拆除旋转服务结构(RSS)的工作仍在继续。
They create a service asset type in Rational asset Manager with required attributes, such as name space, local name, and support person.
Once the target service becomes available, the stored requests can be relayed using the store and Forward widget in the business space.
You'll learn how to create business variables and a business space for the pre-built loan processing composite business service in WebSphere business Services Fabric (hereafter called Fabric).
If multiple large messages are being processed by a service at the same time, then available space within the JVM Heap can quickly disappear.
如果一个服务同时处理多个大消息,那么J VMHeap中的可用空间可能会迅速耗尽。
Expected to begin initial operation in 2015, the system will replace the existing Air Force Space Surveillance system, or VHF Fence, which has been in service since the early 1960s.
This specifies the service name and path to the binary file (notice the space between binpath= and the path).
指定服务名和二进制文件的路径(注意binpath= 和路径之间的那个空格)。
After supplying a suitable name for the new space, select Service Administration from the pull-down under Create a new space using a template.
But a new breed of wireless Internet service providers using white-space frequencies will not have to pay for their spectrum.
But a new breed of wireless Internet service providers using white-space frequencies will not have to pay for their spectrum.