Companies like SpaceX could help NASA and its partners when it comes to resupplying the ISS, as it suggests it can reduce launch costs by two-thirds.
在为国际空间站提供补给方面,像SpaceX 这样的公司可以帮到NASA及其合作伙伴,因为该公司表示这样可以将发射成本降低三分之二。
The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2019.
4G任务将于2019年在美国卡纳维拉尔角启动,搭载的是 SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭。
The founder of two tech companies, Tesla Motors and SpaceX, is bringing electric vehicles to mass market and enabling humans to live on other planets.
特斯拉汽车和SpaceX 这两家科技公司的创始人正在将电动汽车推向大众市场,并使人类能够在其它行星上生活。
SpaceX, a private company wants to reuse its rockets.
The company is Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX.
In time, SpaceX hopes to launch 10 Falcon Heavy rockets a year.
The Dragon is being built as part of NASA’s $1.6 billion deal with SpaceX.
In 2011 SpaceX will dock the first privately developed spacecraft with the space station.
It is the first rocket since the Saturn 5 moon rocket to have this capability, according to SpaceX.
The president of SpaceX, Gwynne Shotwell, denied that the mission had failed and said another launch would be attempted next week.
And if Ares is cancelled another winner may be SpaceX, a small Californian firm that is building a series of rockets called Falcon.
The unmanned craft made by the Californian company SpaceX was due to carry half a tonne of food and equipment to the space station.
SpaceX already has a billion-and-a-half-dollar deal with NASA to use a smaller rocket to transport cargo to the International Space Station.
Just last week, SpaceX announced plans to build out a network of micro-satellites over the next five years that would blanket the globe in Internet.
Earlier this year, one of these firms, SpaceX launched its Dragon capsule - designed to carry cargo and astronauts - into space atop its own Falcon 9 rocket.
Commercial space companies like SpaceX and Bigelow Aerospace have argued for a larger role for private industry in providing human launch services to low-earth orbit.
类似space X和Bigelow Aerospace那样的商业空间公司则主张,让私营工业在向地球低轨道提供载人发射方面发挥更大的作用。
The video frames are hard evidence linking the SpaceX explosion to an alleged space war being fought between rival secret space programs according to whistleblower Corey Goode.
Last year, SpaceX became the first commercial aerospace company to successfully launch, place into orbit and retrieve a spacecraft -- the Falcon 9, carrying an unmanned capsule called the Dragon.
SpaceX will attempt the recovery of morefirst stages after the CRS-3 flight, with Musk indicating that SpaceX's goal is"to recover the first stage on all CRS flights and really on most flights."
SpaceX将在CRS -3的飞行后尝试更多的第一级回收, 同时穆斯克表示,SpaceX的目标是“在所有的CRS飞行上和事实上的大多数飞行上回收第一级。
For example, SpaceX says it can reduce the cost of a launch, depending upon the rocket, to between $50 million and $100 million compared to the $1.5 billion price tag for each space shuttle mission.
例如,空间探索技术公司表示,视火箭类型,他们能把发射费用降到5千万到1亿美元。 而航天飞机每次发射的花费高达15亿美元。
For example, SpaceX says it can reduce the cost of a launch, depending upon the rocket, to between $50 million and $100 million compared to the $1.5 billion price tag for each space shuttle mission.
例如,空间探索技术公司表示,视火箭类型,他们能把发射费用降到5千万到1亿美元。 而航天飞机每次发射的花费高达15亿美元。