We can learn how to make jiaozi even if we were born from Russian parents in Paris just as we can learn how to speak English even if none of our family or friends speak that language.
When we speak, that is - -entirely and exclusively and without any other motive - for communication, except for one thing that the Russian formalists in particular took note of.
So how can Lady Ashton fly to Russia to "speak for Europe" when any number of European countries will be deep in Russian intrigues she knows nothing about?
Tarnogorski [the defendant] did not have strong English and no Polish interpreter was in court, however he did speak a little Russian and was assisted by another interpreter.
Tarnogorski 【被告】并不懂英语,当时也没有波兰语翻译在场,幸好他会说一些俄语,然后得到了一个俄语翻译的帮助。
And they speak with pride of the transformation in U.S. - Russian relations during the more than seven years they have worked together.
Legislators in Bishkek, the capital, spend much of their time arguing about when and where to speak Kyrgyz and refuse to speak Russian, still the lingua franca between ethnic groups.
96% of the people in the country speak Armenian, while 75.8% of the population speaks Russian as well.
It's in Russia, and you have always speak Russian.
My ability to speak Russian fluently and my understanding of Russian, Kyrgyz, and American cultures will help enable me to succeed in the global business economy.
It can be almost any word combination. It can be in non-Latin characters, which is extremely important if you happen to speak Russian because of the Cyrillic alphabet, or Arabic, or Chinese.
An Englishman who could not speak Chinese but some French, German and Russian was once travelling in China.
An Englishman who could not speak Chinese but some French, German and Russian was once travelling in China.