The system might notify an agent for special treatment.
Each agent has special metadata that describes itself.
The owners or their agent should fill in Application form for Approval according to the classifications of entry and exit special goods, one form for one classification.
Instead of wasting time searching the computer for special (and cheaper) airfares, I hired an in-house travel agent to handle the myriad of trips I previously slaved over for hours.
You can also send money to other people, who will be sent a text message containing a special code that can be taken to an agent to withdraw cash.
Event messages destined for the Premises Server are processed by a special agent.
Another powerful special formula, h_RunAgent, allows invoking an agent to add custom content to a page.
The agent JAR file USES a special manifest attribute to specify the actual agent class, which must define a method public static void premain (String options, Instrumentation inst).
代理JAR文件使用一个特殊的清单属性来指定实际的代理类,这必须定义一个方法:publicstaticvoid premain (Stringoptions,Instrumentation inst)。
In the case of the Editor-level user, the out of Office agent is automatically configured to run in a special mode that allows the user to run this agent without running any other agents.
Notice that the overall application is somewhat simpler than the GTK application in that it doesn't require a special agent to be added to the Domino Directory.
Among them is a 1950 statement from special agent Guy Hottel, which seems to provide evidence for the theory that aliens landed at Roswell, New Mexico.
This is CTU Special Agent Jack Bauer. He commanded the assault team that apprehended your man.
When configuring the agent, you can specify the text of the message, and set rules regarding who should not receive any messages, or who should receive a special message.
In general, when everything works correctly, the user does not need to know about the differences between different access levels and does not need to do anything special when they enable the agent.
Special agent Baez says one recent victim was found with his lips padlocked together.
The door had opened without a knock. Jason Ridley, Chappelle's young, dapper assistant, escorted FBI Special Agent Frank Hensley into the conference room.
They got in touch with a White House Special Agent who then contacted the British Embassy in Washington DC.
Dante Arete stared down the muzzle of Special Agent Hensley's weapon, eyes wide, lips beaded with sweat.
There was only one special agent from Chongqing in their gang and letting him escape was the only drawback in this battle.
"You've got to stay right here, Special Agent Bauer," Chappelle said evenly.
Owens does look a little on the nerdy side, with happily unruly curly hair and glasses that somehow reminded me of the cult classic "Joe 90," in which a 9-year-old becomes a special agent.
At 12.01pm today, special agent Donald White will take a few small steps that will mark a giant leap for his country.
She was named Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the San Diego Division in 2005.
Special Agent Will Graham with the FBI. Are you the owner?
Special agent for organic vegetables, fruit, and multigrain etc. of Zhou Fengyuan(Beijing) organic agricultural Co.
Your excellency special agent fleury of the federal bureau of investigation and his colleagues.
Your excellency, special agent Fleury of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and his colleagues.
Take a seat, Special Agent Bauer.
Take a seat, Special Agent Bauer.