For whatever reason, pets certainly can have a special effect on their owners.
The windswept trees forming a kind of tunnel, the sun piercing through the upper layer of the fog and the limited visibility provide for a very special effect. It appears quite unreal.
Figure 2 shows a region from the 10-second mark to the 40-second mark of the current song that is highlighted and ready to have a special effect applied to it.
She is the prime special effect, and a reminder that even in an era of technological overkill, movie stars matter.
To figure out just how protein achieves this special effect, Mithieux and his colleagues fed rats a protein-enriched diet and measured metabolic changes.
Succumbing to the temptation (or the industry pressure) to ramp up the clanky special effects for the second outing, Iron Man 2 throws away its most irreplaceable special effect.
可是为了突出第二部里叮当作响的表面特效,《钢铁侠2》屈服于诱惑(又或是商业压力?) ,反而废除了它那些不可替代的真正特殊效应。
However, it can be used in some literary works by writers to achieve a kind of special effect or purpose.
Or you may apply the same special effect time after time.
PhotoFunia PhotoFunia is a nifty little photo effect service that concentrates on one type of special effect and does it well!
Base on the relationship of adjacent pixels the filter effect can change each pixel to achieve a special effect.
Hawthorn sweet and sour taste, has the special effect of Xiaoshi of the plot, increase appetite, help digestion is one of the best fruit, but eating too much is harmful and profitless.
But it appears to involve colouring the noodles with a special dye, and then shining what appears to be ultraviolet light onto them in order to produce the special effect.
Here is another example of a special effect feature in jQuery.
Or just get the next, do not think there is a special effect, give up.
Quotes, single or double, are simply taken as part of the argument; they have no special effect.
The introduced systematic idea and the atmosphere of positive tropism have special effect on peer relationship counseling.
Allow users to customize output videos through adding water mark, cropping the area, and choosing special effect models of the SWF file.
Vegetative slope protection has many advantages compare with traditional protection measures for its special effect cause.
This paper describes a circuit that enables special effect generators or colour video cameras to be genlocked with VTR's without the need of time base correctors, and analyses the circuits in detail.
And point out the special effect on raising the students' level of cognition and comprehensive quality in the fostering of creative thinking ability of physics.
The special nursing is based on some special diseases and the limitation of these diseases gives the stomach tube special effect.
But to meet the needs of specific expressions in certain contexts, it will have a special effect on expression to adopt the method of reverse logic.
Linen screen a special effect half-tone screen giving a linen texture to the picture.
Return natural special effect.
Objective to investigate change of depression, anxiety and coping style in the patients with laryngeal cancer after informed consent, and to describe the special effect.
Butt it appears to involve colouring the noodles with a special dye, and then shining what appears to be ultraviolet light onto them in order to produce the special effect.
And it wasn't all special effect!
And it wasn't all special effect!