Special thanks to our audience.
Special thanks to MSG Entertainment and the Beacon Theatre.
特别感谢M SG娱乐公司以及灯塔剧院。
I'd like to give a special thanks to the people of Memphis.
Special thanks to you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
Special thanks to Grant Larsen for his insight on assets and services.
Special thanks to Kieren Tinning who helped finalize this article.
笔者特别感谢Kieren Tinning帮助完成本文最后定稿。
Let's give special thanks to Mr. Li for his willingness to serve our school.
Special thanks to Xin Qunying Opera Troupe allowing photo-taking at the backstage.
Special thanks to AGStumps8807 for tracking down the update file on Google's servers.
Special thanks to Focus — Li Ning Image Community for their great help with this show!
Special thanks to Bobby Woolf, who provided major inspiration and material for this article.
I need to give an extra special thanks to Chris Pearson for designing the Cutline Theme.
我要特别感谢Chris Pearson,他设计构想了Cutline主题。
And a special thanks to Holland College who has developed the curriculum for the program.
Special thanks to USA Swimming for providing us with the full report from the Golden Goggles.
My special thanks to Standard Chartered Bank to hire strategic planning related to the program.
Very special thanks to Kathryn Zeidenstein for her contributions to all aspects of this article.
特别感谢Kathryn Zeidenstein为本文的各个方面做贡献。
A special thanks to Daniel Frey whose round slider control class I used as a starting point for my class.
My thanks to all of the people who reviewed this paper for their insightful comments. I extend special thanks to.
Special thanks to all the sponsors in Edinburgh! Our undertaking in Chinese football needs all your supports.
Special thanks to Italian Consulate General Shanghai for the great support and contribution to this exhibition!
Special thanks to the many who have contributed their time and talent to the creation and review of this article.
Special thanks to Kara Udziela and Yvonne Beyer of iStockphoto for helping to support the creation of this case study.
特别感谢istockphoto的Kara Udziela和YvonneBeyer帮助支持成立这个案例.
Special thanks to John S. Graham for his guidance and support in ensuring the accuracy of the content in this article.
特别感谢JohnS. Graham为保证本文内容的准确性而提供的指导和支持。
I'd like to give a special thanks to the people of Memphis. I never played a home game for your beloved Grizzlies.
Let me extend my warmest welcome to all of you, and my special thanks to panel members for agreeing to join us on such short notice.
Let me extend my warmest welcome to all of you, and my special thanks to panel members for agreeing to join us on such short notice.