Adding detergent in gasoline can prevent fuel supply system and air intake system of gasoline engine from forming deposits, reduce exhaust emissions, and improve brake specific fuel consumption.
Under the load characteristic of operation, the brake specific fuel consumption and effective thermal efficiency is almost similar to that of gasoline engine.
Taking specific fuel oil consumption of locomotive engine as a comparative parameters, the implementation procedure of the contrast between laboratories was described.
As a very important component of aeroengines, low pressure turbine affects the mass, the specific fuel consumption, the efficiency of aeroengine greatly.
Thisformula can be used to evaluate the relative changes of engine specific fuel consumption caused by the relative changes of engine moving parts mass during engine design and practical operation.
The variable angle guide vanes have been widely used for decreasing specific fuel consumption of the civil turbines.
In this paper, we utilize current equipments such as dynameter and specific fuel consumption detector, and design a set of engine test bench platform based on P89C668.
The experimental results show that the engine performance with this system is reliable, and the specific fuel consumption and the density of exhaust smoke are greatly reduced.
The experimental results show that the engine performance with this system is reliable, and the specific fuel consumption and the density of exhaust smoke are greatly reduced.