Process of hydrogen chloride synthesed by two-in-one graphitic synthetic furnace and its specification of equipment were briefly introduced. Operational status was analysed.
According to the specification of equipment, the hardware and PLC application software have been designed. This control system has been used in double wires electroslag welding.
Therefore, in order to facilitate the replacement of the system specification changes in those parts faster - RAM, CPU and graphics equipment - often still installed in the socket or slot.
How do you define your equipment you are going to buy, and what kinds of consideration are included in URS (User Requirement Specification)?
Then, design institute edits technology specification of main auxiliary equipment, drawing for site test pile and requirements for test pile.
Automation and instrument design of the equipment shall in accordance with bid document: General Instrumentation Specification.
If analytical equipment is available, purge system until oxygen content of residual gas is either less than or meets the process specification impurity level.
Specification of bookkeeping company has itself to buy or rent a fixed working field and equipment, if do not have work place, so the company industry cannot be trusted!
Design of equipment and container: Chapter 3, Safety Monitoring Specification for Pressure Vessel; GB150, Steel Pressure Vessel.
The series filtering paints vehicle equipment setting up have the single stage filters accurate and several pair of cascades filter accurate two kinds specification.
If any inconsistency is found between the Hull, Machinery and Electric Specifications, the description of the Specification which governs the installation or equipment shall prevail.
This invention relates to desulphurization equipment and technological specification for regeneration of waste rubber.
Presents the requirement by melting spandex fiber plants of civil project, the process flow and equipment specification.
The paper detailed the technical specification, equipment, construction technology and technical measures of enlarging borehole in shaft for coalbed methane with field cases.
The specification is suitable for construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation engineering for petrochemical industry construction projects.
The number and size of the main constructs and the parameters, such as the number, specification, etc. of the main equipment are listed.
Through the introduction of technique specification in equipment purchasing bidding the question that how to acquire the technique specification with high quality is discussed.
In addition to designing one-of-a-kind apparatus to your specification, our knowledgeable engineering staff is prepared to adapt any of our standard equipment to match your particular application.
Skilled Tradesman Outline of the job The job holder will be responsible to assemble equipment within the workshop, at site or within suppliers' workshops to meet the required specification.
Licenseto drive an overheadcrane 熟练安装工工作概况 这项工作是负责在车间、现场或供应商的车间装配合乎规格的设备,它们将被用于金属制造工业。
The specification includes protection and control equipment in substation, interfaces between substations, as well as interfaces to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) of control centers.
For the revamp unit, the product specification target shall be based upon the pressure rating of the existing equipment.
Experience of plot plan, equipment layout, piping routine study, piping plan, isometrics, piping material take off and pipe support design against project standards & specification.
Machine this for nail and rivet various kinds of specification four ideal equipment that buckle jointly, replace and nail strenuous work that rivet by hand;
Machine this for nail and rivet various kinds of specification four ideal equipment that buckle jointly, replace and nail strenuous work that rivet by hand;