The increase in ticket prices HAS hit spectator sports badly.
Spectator sports are usually very entertaining and often dangerous.
Football, cricket, horse racing and motor sorts are all popular spectator sports.
Men identify more directly than women with spectator sports because of their childhood experience and the macho nature of games .
That generally means that the average person will choose to watch rather than participate in the sports themselves. Spectator sports are usually very entertaining and often dangerous.
That's Benjamin's point, and what he means to say is that if the spectator then takes the camera's eye position the spectator, him - or herself then becomes a critic, like a sports fan.
Romantically, you are more likely to find love staying late at work or at a sports facility or gym - as participant or spectator.
I enjoy all kinds of sports, mainly as a spectator.
However, just as an excited spectator in a stadium can never understand the real joy of the sports, loving the law did not enable me to explore it further, unless I became committed to its practice.
However, just as an excited spectator in a stadium can never understand the real joy of the sports, loving the law did not enable me to explore it further, unless I became committed to its practice.