Spectral estimation always applies cross spectral theory and high order self spectral theory up to now.
Spectral theory is an important branch of functional analysis in modern times the operator spectra projected from matrix eigenvalue.
Established blasting vibration hazard assessment methods on the basis of the response spectral theory, and applied to practical project.
Using the theories of probability, algebra and spectral theory comprehensively, the dissertation investigates the properties and constructions of multi-output functions.
This paper presents an algorithm of point correspondence in which the spectral theory, partial characteristics of points and the method of probabilistic relaxation are combined.
In accordance with the requirements of a real-time spectral detection system, the Fourier transform spectral theory is utilized to obtain the spectral information to be detected.
According to the relationship between auto correlation function and its spectral density, a new type of decision tree method based on signal analysis theory is proposed in this paper.
That is if the concept of absolute confinement is introduced, we must discard a part of elementary hypothesis of spectral representation theory.
The fault diagnosis based on nonlinear spectral analysis is a new fault diagnosis theory.
One theory and arithmetic "dual filter scan" of seeking peak in spectral analysis is brought forward and used for demarcate of spectrum and other analysis.
A spectral combination rule is proposed based on the theory of random vibration of structures for the need of aseismic design of Bridges, etc.
Based on the theory of spectral representation the concept of absolute confinement is unallowable, even the absolute confinement is taken as the limit of relative confinement.
The paper applies the method of spectral analysis of multiplication by waveband to caculatedensity value in theory and discusses the future of the method of printing color measurement in2000.
By applying switch-signal theory, the theory of transmission current-switches based on spectral techniques is proposed.
That theory and method not only push the study of track spectrum very much, but also provide reference for those researchers in field of other spectral analysis.
The spectral characteristics of a long period fiber grating is analyzed by using the coupled mode theory.
Line graph plays an important role in the study of spectral graph theory. By using the operator generalized line graphs on some integral graphs, a series of infinite integral graphs is constructed.
Following the spectral correlation theory and wavelet transform theory, a method named as wavelet spectral correlation method is proposed for BPSK signal detection and chip rate estimation.
在谱相关理论和小波变换理论的基础上,提出了小波谱相关方法实现BPS K信号检测与码元速率的提取。
The pressure fluctuations in turbulent shear flows are investigated with the theory of spectral analysis.
As we know, the molecular radius is a key factor in calculating the spectral shift, and the methods used to measure it in experiment and theory have been briefly reviewed.
Based on the signal detection theory, an experiment on the recognition of colors was done by presenting two spectral signals of approximate colors.
This paper gives a brief description of the theory and algorithms of maximum entropy method of spectral analysis.
Based on idiotypic immune network theory, a Regional-memory-pattern Artificial idiotypic network (RAIN) is proposed to classify multi-spectral remote sensing image.
Abstract : A modified Czerny-Turner spectral imaging system was developed based on aberration theory to minimize the large astigmatism in classical Czerny-Turner spectrometers.
摘要 : 针对传统的车尔尼-特纳光谱仪像散较大的缺点,基于像差理论,提出了一种改进的车尔尼-特纳光谱成像系统。
The theory of quantitative remote sensing is based on the spectral data of object.
Doubt were expressed to the spectral blue shift of thermal radiator. Both in threotical and experimental ways, I negated Mr. Feng's theory of spectral blue shift.
The paper briefly introduces some graph theory methods such as maximal connected subgraph, maximal cliques, perfect match and graph spectral research which applied in prediction of protein structure.
The paper briefly introduces some graph theory methods such as maximal connected subgraph, maximal cliques, perfect match and graph spectral research which applied in prediction of protein structure.