Based on MATLAB, the primary concepts of the spread spectrum are simulated. The system design and interface technology of a spread spectrum radio device is simply discussed.
Presented in this paper is a direct sequence spread spectrum radio based on virtual technique in which direct sequence spread spectrum, software radio and virtual technique are combined.
Space on the radio spectrum is the most valuable raw material in mobile telecoms, India's most dynamic industry.
The cheapest way to increase capacity is to add more spectrum or to move a network to a lower frequency, which allows radio waves to penetrate walls more easily.
Researchers previously introduced this "smart" approach in cognitive radio designs, which sought to improve throughput by capturing the best available spectrum to meet user communication requirements.
His discovery of the electromagnetic spectrum led to the development of television, radio, microwaves, as well as aiding in the development of radio and infrared telescopes.
Similarly, some sensors already make more efficient use of another scarce resource: radio spectrum.
The radio spectrum can carry only so many stations, and a coaxial cable so many TV channels.
一定频谱范围内的无线电波只能搭载有限的广播频道;同轴电缆只能传 输有限的电视频道。
Similarly, India is about to auction off FM radio spectrum and the competition is expected to be fiercest for the big cities, says n.
They owned the radio spectrum, built the networks, maintained the relationships with customers-and then grabbed most of the spoils.
One reason this is hard is that radio telescopes must chop the spectrum into fine portions to study it, like tuning into a signal on a car radio.
They suggest that any alien civilisation worth its salt would alight not on the photons of the electromagnetic spectrum-whether optical or radio-frequency-to send messages to other solar systems.
Radio has been cramming ever more information into the transmission, using techniques such as spreading it across the spectrum, dividing it up into portions and using "smart" antennae.
LIKE a deity, radio spectrum is invisible, omnipresent and commands awesome power.
The system carries out the statistics and analysis to spectrum occupy in the radio monitoring.
The spectrum allocation technology, which is one of the key technologies of cognitive radio, the research emphasis is how to manage the spectrum resource effectively.
Mr Bajaj reckons that India now has about 40m 3g devices in circulation, even before the extra radio spectrum has been made available.
Another bonus: Once analog broadcasting ends, the prime radio spectrum it now USES will be auctioned off.
UWB technology is a new exploration of the use of radio spectrum resource and it inaugurate a new field of time domain application of electromagnetic wave.
Unfortunately, some parts of the radio spectrum are full of signals created by Earthlings, rather than aliens.
Cognitive radio; Spectrum sensing; Entropy; Signal correlation; Spectrum consistency.
A more efficient radio resource allocation and management scheme should be proved to transmit with higher spectrum and power efficiency and higher system performance.
The push for 3g in Japan is especially pronounced. Analysts say that's because Japan has so many nonstandard proprietary systems and radio spectrum is being used up.
The scatter spectrum of radio waves by a dusty plasma has been studed with the dynamic factor which was derived from the kinetic theory.
The automatic recognition and parameter estimation techniques of communication signals can be utilized in the authentication and spectrum management for radio signals.
Spectrum sensing is one of the key technologies in cognitive radio, and cooperative spectrum sensing can improve the spectrum sensing performance.
But there is only a limited amount of radio spectrum available.
But there is only a limited amount of radio spectrum available.