"We can only speculate as to how the Egyptians could have laid out these lines with such precision using only the tools they had," Dash writes.
He can only speculate as to which horse will win the race.
They speculate as to who in Washington would have wanted him dead.
One can only speculate as to what missions the WISE satellite has beyond those publicly stated by NASA.
We can speculate as to the changes the Singularity would bring that would enable that exponential growth to continue.
Unfortunately, there is no nutritional data next to the Cordon Bleu so you can only speculate as to how they are preparing food.
We could easily speculate as to which hot startups and fast-growing businesses are destined to join the Fortune 500 in the next decade.
And if it seems futile to speculate as to the specifics of these changes, it might nevertheless be useful to discuss the context in which they will take place.
He didn't speculate as to which is the more likely culprit, but said that many things, such as gene mutations, could cause defects in methylation that might result in infertility.
The country's close relationship with the U. S. and popular support for non-proliferation have led some to speculate as to whether the country's nuclear arsenal was necessary to maintain.
ONE of Wall Street's favourite parlour games is to speculate about who will follow Warren Buffett as head of Berkshire Hathaway.
So we speculate that the amount of krill and available food has decreased, and maybe as a result the whales are starting to go scouting for food.
They provided an early indicator of trouble at investment Banks, although they became distorted as more and more firms scrambled to hedge or speculate.
Some locals speculate that Harris-Moore burgles not for the money but to experience the fantasy of the happy home life he never had as a child.
The two academics speculate that, on a subconscious level, people tend to view symmetrical physical attributes as a sign of good health and find people with them more attractive as a result.
So the investigators speculate that males might synchronize to a single common pitch as a sort of mating beacon.
As there was no evidence that hazardous waste was buried at the mine, investigators speculate that the source of dioxins may be natural, perhaps due to a prehistoric forest fire.
Right, as often contrast most of his other relationships, maybe even his wife, but he's not going into his wife, and so I wouldn't want to speculate about that.
Perhaps it was this heightened emotionality that led Sigmund Freud to speculate that dreams serve as wish fulfillment.
Observers speculate that he intends to give Reynolds sufficient bulk not only to challenge Tetra but also to be able to strike sweeping deals to provide packaging to food conglomerates such as Kraft.
Scale transfer defines as conveying information in different scales, that is using one scale information and knowledge to speculate other scales phenomena.
As we progressed to high school, the teachers encouraged us to ask questions that went beyond our and their knowledge and experience, and to speculate on8 matters we could not find answers to.
I hope that the men who want to speculate in this industry should take the overall situation and give up their own ideas as soon as possible!
Archaeologists speculate that the first "tourists" to Hawaii landed on Kauai perhaps as early as 500 A. d.
But, as yet the result discovered by this strategy is less. This leads to speculate that NIDDM genes are possible those genes have not been discovered.
In order to speculate on and understand this character, we must begin, as in all things, at the beginning.
This led him to speculate that the virus may be creating the tumour as a safe haven to support its own existence.
This led him to speculate that the virus may be creating the tumour as a safe haven to support its own existence.