Speech act theory, conversational implicative theory and relevant theory all function in the interpretation of implicit coherence.
Based on the speech act theory, the thesis describes the language forms and their pragmatic functions of teacher talk in foreign language classrooms.
Although some researchers put forward that discourse also has the characteristics of speech ACTS, the application of speech act Theory to discourse analysis is still rare.
Chapter Two lays down the theoretical framework of the study, on the basis of speech act theory, politeness theory and culture related theories.
Traditional speech act theory claims that speech ACTS are governed by a set of constitutive rules, which are called felicity conditions of speech ACTS.
Speech act theory reveals that the use of language produces the meaning of language, which starts the study of pragmatics.
But Austin, who puts forward speech act theory, maintains that language is not only referent, but also performative.
Speech act theory and the theory of conversational implicature are much more operative in the research of pragmatics.
The speech act theory has been severely criticized and much adjusted after it was put forward by Austin.
In Austins (1962) tripartite model of Speech Act Theory, perlocution is often neglected or even excluded from the domain of linguistics by most researchers.
Language researchers have been paying much attention to Speech Act Theory after its being put forward.
Speech act theory is vital for the branch of study.
Guided by the language philosophies especially the speech act Theory, this paper probed into the psychological effects and its influential factors of the teachers' discipline speech.
Speech act theory, considered as a main theory in pragmatics, is slowing down its development in the contemporary linguistic literature.
For those problems speech act theory itself is not able to give the whys.
Speech act theory thinks to say something means to do something, and speaking and understanding both being speech acts.
This article attempts to propose the unified and standardized Chinese versions through examining Austin's speech act theory and discriminating the existing various Chinese versions.
Austin's speech act theory, the principle of cooperation in Gricean and Hovland, and others persuaded of the study, this paper basis of the three theoretical.
The present research is conducted in the theoretical frameworks of speech act theory, variation theory and politeness theory respectively.
Speech act theory is the main theoretical basis for this article.
This paper discusses the effects of its conversation principles and speech act theory on translation.
Austin was an important philosopher of the Ordinary Language School. A thorough understanding of his speech act theory requires the knowledge about his philosophical research.
Such illocutionary function of figures of speech forcefully demonstrates that figurative utterances can be described and analyzed within the framework of speech act theory.
According to speech act theory in philosophy of language, speech act is the basic unit of language use, and meaning is language user's intention realized in communication.
The paper, on the basis of the discussion of speech act theory, offers a case study and analyses its significance and applications to our language teaching.
This paper, focusing on the dramatic irony, tries to analyze Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet in terms of speech act theory, which has also been applied to literary works in recent years.
Speech act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language.
Fictional discourse is regarded in the speech act theory developed by Austin and Searle as "non-serious" or "abnormal".
As two basic theories of pragmatics, both speech act theory and conversational implicature derive from ordinary-language philosophy.
As two basic theories of pragmatics, both speech act theory and conversational implicature derive from ordinary-language philosophy.