This command allows you to check whether GTK + is present and in the proper version and to split all those insanely long and boring lines of options so compilers can find their libraries.
这个命令让您可以检查gtk +是否存在,版本是否正确;还可以对长长的选项行进行分割,这样编译器就可以找到自己的库了。
Check Export overall results and Split output if columns exceed 250 (250 is the maximum column limit for a Microsoft Excel file).
选择Exportoverallresults及Splitout putifcolumnsexceed 250(对于一个MicrosoftExcel文件来说,250是最大值)。
The good news is you split the check.
To do that, use camera origin point and triangle edges to split original triangles into several sub-regions, then check if regions conform to established sort order (prepared for painter's algorithm).
The construction craft of the split grouting is introduced in this paper, By check analysis, the split grouting has proved itself to get a good result in reinforcement of the gravel earth dam.
Regardless, when the check arrived, he quickly did the calculations and split it in half.
ISDN works over a standard "qualified" telephone line, which means telephone companies check to make sure the line has not been split or damaged.
ISDN works over a standard "qualified" telephone line, which means telephone companies check to make sure the line has not been split or damaged.