He has produced his own sports magazine.
The Phelps story broke not in a sports magazine, but in a celebrity newspaper.
Look up the data from sports magazine, newspaper or Internet and fill in your sports Fame Hall.
I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it.
He has also built a sports empire, buying both a basketball and a football team as well as helping to support a local stadium, and he owns a sports magazine.
Coming home from school that dark winter's day so long ago, I was filled with anticipation. I had a new issue of my favorite sports magazine tucked under my arm, and the house to myself.
In particular, Sharapova who has been awarded honorary Master of Sports of Russia, and in September 2005, she has been named the world's most powerful tennis player by Forbes magazine.
Photographer Joe McNally, best known for his speed-lighting techniques, regularly shoots for publications like Sports Illustrated, National Geographic, and the now defunct Life Magazine.
What kind of magazine would you like? Fashion or sports?
Petra won the opportunity to model "swimsuits" for Sports Illustrated swimsuit Issue in 2002, which was her second appearance in the magazine.
In an interview to the Italian sport magazine, Sports Week, he said he did not want to leave Real Madrid in January as per the transfer norms.
The Family is divided into six groups with specific tasks: talent shows, magazine work, public affairs, promoting legal knowledge, organizing sports and protecting the rights of women in factories.
The magazine is well known for sports section.
Sports Illustrated, a magazine for sports enthusiasts, is looking for the "best all time college coach" male or female for the previous century.
We went back through the years and found sports' most controversial magazine covers too see what else got people fired up.
For example, the magazine slogan I saw on the plane advertised a sports utility vehicle (SUV) produced by a Chinese-American joint venture.
In addition to the daily newspaper, The Crimson publishes an extended sports section on Mondays; Fifteen Minutes, the weekend magazine of The Crimson on Thursdays; and an arts section on Fridays.
除了日报外,还有星期一增加的运动版块,星期四出版的周末杂志《一刻钟》,星期 五的艺术版块。
China Sports Network and "Merchants" magazine have successfully brought about opportunities and orders for their customers, who have gained maximum benefits with the least input.
"A decision like that is taken by me, the club doctor, the head of sports medicine, the senior physiotherapist, the person who reads the scan and the specialist," Allardyce told Zoo magazine.
The British magazine said: 'Will she be a pop star, designer or sports woman?
Try to become the head of a club, the captain of a sports team, the editor of a magazine, or the director of a movie.
Try to become the head of a club, the captain of a sports team, the editor of a magazine, or the director of a movie.