In this study, a mathematical model has been developed to simulate the performance of a spray scrubber in an industrial ammonium nitrate plant.
Wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) is a widely used process for flue gas desulfurization technique and a spray scrubber is a key device in WFGD system.
The influence of liquid distributed ring (LDR) on flow field in spray scrubber of Nanjing Institute of Technology project has been analyzed by means of numerical simulation.
The ET-III-W can be used directly on the plating tank to remove rinse spray water and fume scrubber water.
These results support the findings of the modified spray system studies conducted earlier at different mines in Illinois on four occasions and the modified scrubber system field evaluation studies.
The path line distribution of flue gas in the scrubber becomes more homogeneous with the increasing flue gas velocity at a stationary slurry spray flux.
The performance of a lime spray dry scrubber is more sensitive to operating conditions.
The performance of a lime spray dry scrubber is more sensitive to operating conditions.