You are restricted to JDBC-based frameworks such as iBATIS or Spring JDBC (see Resources), or your own home-brewed data-access object (DAO) framework.
仅限于使用基于JDBC的框架,比如ibatis或Spring JDBC(请参见参考资料),或者您自己开发的数据访问对象(DAO)框架。
If you have an operation that contains entirely persistence logic (no business logic), consider moving it into the database as a stored procedure and invoke it via Spring JDBC.
如果你有一个包含完整持久性逻辑(并非业务逻辑)的操作,考虑将它作为存储过程移到数据库中,并通过Spring JDBC来调用。
Spring DAO: the Spring JDBC DAO abstraction layer offers a meaningful exception hierarchy for managing the exception handling and error messages thrown by different database vendors.
SpringDAO:JDBC DAO抽象层提供了有意义的异常层次结构,可用该结构来管理异常处理和不同数据库供应商抛出的错误消息。
Since the majority of these application use Spring JDBC, SpringSource has been able to transparently enable the use of RAC features without requiring developers to make changes in their code.
由于大多数此类应用都使用了Spring JDBC,因而,SpringSource可以透明地启用RAC特性,而开发者也就不需要修改代码就能利用到RAC的这些特性。
Spring provides a mechanism for accessing native connections when various JDBC operations require interacting with the native JDBC resource.
Spring applications that want to access resources, such as JDBC data sources, should utilize WebSphere-managed resources. To do this.
Just as with accessing JDBC data sources, Spring applications intended to access JMS destinations must ensure they use WebSphere-managed JMS resource providers.
Listing 14 displays instances of new bean definitions in the spring-jdbc-tracing.xml file.
清单14显示了spring -jdbc - tracing . xml文件中的新bean定义的实例。
The new <task:* /> and <jdbc:* /> are both now available and are integrated into STS as the other Spring namespaces with content assist, hyperlinking and validation.
新的命名空间<task:* />与<jdbc:* />已经集成到了STS中,就像Spring的其他命名空间一样,新的命名空间也具备内容辅助、链接和验证特性。
You extend a couple of Spring classes with your JDBC (or other framework like Hibernate), implement your DAO, then make the declaration in the applicationContext.xml file.
In the Spring framework, resources such as a JDBC DataSource or a Hibernate SessionFactory can be realized as beans in an application context.
The new spring configuration file is spring-jdbc-tracing.xml, and the new entry-point class is SpringRunnerJDBC.
新的spring配置文件是spring - jdbc - tracing . xml,新的入口点类是SpringRunnerJDBC。
Listing 14. Excerpts from spring-jdbc-tracing.xml.
清单14. spring - jdbc -tracing . xml片段。
Listing 14. Excerpts from spring-jdbc-tracing.xml.
清单14. spring - jdbc -tracing . xml片段。