The town of Big Spring, up the road from the oil hub of Midland, is planning to recycle wastewater for drinking; two of the reservoirs that supply the city are almost empty.
The town of Big Spring, up the road from the oil hub of Midland, is planning to recycle wastewater for drinking;
A little town will spring up on the hills around the meadow.
Maps and guidebooks become obsolete as soon as they are printed, restaurants and landmarks vanish on repeat visits, and highways spring up in cornfields on the fringes of town.
地图和旅行指南刚一印出来就已经过时了; 从前的餐馆和地标性建筑踪影无处可寻; 郊区玉米地里高速公路纵横交错。
A little town will spring up on the hills around the meadow.
A little town will spring up on the hills around the meadow.